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Rob's He’s clutching some papers. His face is ashen.
“What’s wrong?” I ask immediately, sitting up and ignoring my protesting ribs.

Rob: "I have to leave my dad company is losing money and clients. "I can't let it fall to pieces ."

Kristen: "I thought Nick was going to take care of that."

Rob: " Yes Nick was taking care of that but the inventors want to meet with me."

Kristen : "when to you have to leave." I asked as I got out of bed.

Rob: "Nick send the private jet. I have to leave early in the morning. "

Kristen: "Ok for how long are you going to be gone."

Rob: 3 months or more.

Kristen: Ok.

Rob left that morning to London.

A few months later with Rob

He was having one of those melancholy days 3 months ago when Nick sent him the E-mail That fathers company. Was falling apart. He never expected that he would have to stay permanently in London.

It's been over a year.

Today he has 3 meetings and to top it off he has a New Dior commercial to filmed.

"Your car's over here sir" the security guy waved me over to the black Lexus on the curb which was already waiting for him. HE wasted no time in entering, there was no looking back.

After the meetings .

As he walked the streets of Paris, he glanced at the sky and then afterwards at his cellphone  to see what the time was.

There was the reminded of the date for the second time that night- the first time being Kristen after she told him about Clary.

KRISTEN had sent him a message: a selfie in bed, all sleepy and breathtakingly beautiful with a content smile on her face, telling him that she loved him and that she couldn’t believe it’d already been so long -, he couldn’t help but grin widely, nor pretend that he didn’t feel the fluttery feeling in his heart tugging lightly in the “I’m-so-fucking-in-love” kind of way.

As he kept walking down the street's with he's bodyguard by he's side. Something in the nearby window caught his eye.

ROB walk into the store. He's bodyguard walk in behind him.

"where there was fire ashes remain". Robsten StoryWhere stories live. Discover now