Chapter 16

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"She will wake up soon Rob " Mark said looking out the window?

Kristen will wake she a remarkable young woman. She was incred- ibly brave."
"Brave and headstrong and stubborn and stupid." His voice cracks.
"Hey," Marks murmurs, "don't be so hard on her, or yourself, Rob . . . I'd better get back to Clary and Renee It's after three in the morning, Rob You really should try to sleep."

"I will sleep when she wakes up."
"You want me to bring Clary by tomorrow evening she's wants to see her mummy."
"Have Renee come with you?" "Please whatever you do not let paparazzi touch Hair on Clary."
" We will bring Clary in through the underground Elevators."
"Thanks for Helping me with Clary."
" Anytime Rob ". Mark left the Room.

John: "Is there anything else you need me to do."

"Yeah you can "If you don't take her across your knee, I sure as hell will. What the hell was she thinking? leaving with Ashely to become bait for that fucker..

Trust me, Rob, I just might do that." Look Kristen and I might have issues but she's still baby Girl".

Kristen POV
Dad! He's here. I fight the fog . . . fight
I opened my eyes and looked around and realised i was alive and not dead.
I saw rob next to me holding my hand  in his hands.
Rob... i murmured.He quickly looked up with a slight smile.I saw tears in his eyes.Before i could say anyting he bend down and hugged him tight with my one hand as the other was full of needles.  My hand falls weakly back onto the bed.
My dad hugged me a little to hard . I pull out of the hug.
Where's Clary ?" I asked.
"She's with Mark and Renee they are both watching her." "Love" They will bring her tomorrow.
"Ok I really have to pee".
"Love you can't get up" why? "Please," I whisper. Why do I ache everywhere? "I need to get up." Jeez, I feel so weak.
"Will you do as you're told for once?" he snaps, exasperated.
"I really need to pee," I rasp. My throat and mouth are so dry...
"I will go get the doctor "my dad said as he left the room.
"I need a sip of water ".
Rob handed me the cup of water...
I took small sips. " The urge to to pee was long gone. Then I saw the pee bag.
"My dad came back with the Doctor."
Doctor: It's nice to see that your awake (Mrs.Pattinson.)

"where there was fire ashes remain". Robsten StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang