- Chapter Three -

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Against my better judgement, I let the Roman thing slide for the time being.

I would mention it to Brooklyn the next time she picked up Hazel, but I didn't want to come off as being overprotective or jealous of her.

Brookelyn wasn't anything to me. She was Hazel's stand-in mother, yes, but that meant nothing to me. I couldn't let myself forget that.

"Daddy, can we go on a date?" Hazel asked as she hopped onto my bed early the next morning

I yawned and looked at the clock, it was barely nine.

I had been up late writing, but Hazel was always ready to start her day by eight.

"What kind of a date?" I laughed

"One of our daddy and Hazel dates! I want to go to Disneyland today."

"I have to go to work later, Hazel. I don't have time for Disneyland. But we could go to get brunch if you want before I run you to Grandma's house."

"Okay!" She smiled.

Brookelyn's POV,

My week was typical.

Monday was my day in the office, catching up on public relations stuff with my publicist.

Tuesdays were my day off, when I got Hazel in the afternoons. But when Justin started calling me on Tuesday I surely thought he was going to be canceling my time with Hazel.

"Hey, I'm on my way to the studio so I'll just drop Hazel off at your house. It would be ridiculous for you to come all this way when I'm already headed into the city."

"Okay, if you're sure." I was a little suspicious, since he hadn't ever offered to drop Hazel off before

He didn't make things easy on me. He was constantly changing plans and pick up times, trying to deter me.

Justin had been in my house for two minutes when I figured out why he wanted to come see my house.

He was snooping.

"Hazel, can you let Brook and I talk alone for just a second?" Justin asked as he looked around

Hazel nodded and quickly ran off towards the living room.

"So I feel weird even bringing this up," Justin said hesitantly, "but Hazel kept talking about a guy named Roman?

Who lives here?

And I don't want to overstep, but really Brook?

You didn't even tell me you were seeing someone, let alone living together.

Hazel's my daughter and it changes things if she is coming here to hang out with you and your boyfriend."

"Hold that thought." I laughed.

"Hey Roman, Hazel is here!" I yelled towards the sweeping staircase that was the focal point of the foyer.

Justin's POV,

As soon as Brook had yelled, I heard a door open upstairs.

Seconds later, the figure appeared. A medium-build guy in skinny jeans that looked like they were bought from a women's boutique and a shirt that was one size too small came down the stairs.

"Hi Roman" Hazel swooned

"Hello beautiful!" He swooned back

"How are your tips? Do we need any touch ups?" He asked as Hazel placing her hands on his so he could get a good look at her nails

Recovery - Justin Bieber FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora