A Dragon's Lullaby (5)

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"Yanagi-san." The teacher called out to me, "Could you stay for a bit?"

"Yes, sensei?" Holding out a print out of today's assignment, the teacher asked. "You're close to Date-san?"

"Yes." I nodded. After that pokemon battle, Shigezane and I stuck together like glue as we grew up. Though the only times we met up outside of class are at the park for trading pokemon, pokemon battles, or the occasional times we go visit the arcade to challenge each other.


"Could you deliver this to Date-san? We don't want him to start falling behind on his studies now."

"But I've never visited his house before."

"Oh then." Writing down quickly, the teacher handed me a piece of paper labelled with an address. "Now you should be fine."

Staring at the item in my hands, I only had one question sounding in my mind.

'But will my dad let me go to a boy's house alone?'

"No." Was his answer, by the time I got home to tell him about the assignment.

"But father, I don't want Shigezane-kun to fall behind." Which actually was ironic, because Shigezane was really good at studying despite the bored look on his face. "Can't you just go with me? You're off today."

Father sighed while wiping his hands with a towel, "As long as you don't call Okazaki again to visit."

"Father, why do you hate Uncle Okazaki that much?" I asked while father was putting away the dishes.

"He keeps taking too much of our food." I feel like that wasn't the only reason. But I never asked about the other reasons.

"Can I see the address?" I nodded, handing my father the paper bearing Shigezane's house address. "Hm?"

He noticed something from the paper.

"Your friend lives there?" I nodded, but wondered why my father asked. "Why?"

"...No, it's just." Father why are you avoiding my gaze? "I didn't think you were friends with one of my clients."


"You mean, Shigezane's relatives came to your office for help?" Father gave one nod, "I've never met your friend, Shigezane. However the case I was dealing at the time had something to do with the family's current head."

"You mean, Shigezane-kun's older cousin?" I believe his name was Date Masamune. "Masamune-san, right?"

Shigezane always brought lunch made by Masamune as well as mentioned how great of a person he was. All of those times actually made me curious on what type of person Shigezane grew up with.

"Yes, his parents passed away around the time he became the family head."

Masamune's parents passed away?

But...didn't Shigezane tell me he was only a year older than us?

There was a sad feeling growing in me. However I always wondered why someone like Masamune was chosen to be the next head even though he's not that far from my age.

"Then the case?" I wanted to know.

Why was Shigezane's cousin left alone? Why did he have to bear such a huge burden on his shoulders?

Father made a sad smile, "I don't think you're old enough to know that yet."

"But it's about Shigezane-kun's family."

Why can't I know this?

"It's a matter that even I can't tell you, alright?" I puffed my cheeks to pout at my father.

"Fine." At that time, I didn't know about the legality issues. There were some things that can't be mentioned to those not involved.

"Then, let's bring some food for them. Your classmate was sick right?"


"Then, can you help me?" I nodded eagerly, running straight into the kitchen to help father.

I always loved helping my parents around the kitchen. One of the few things I liked to do together with my parents.

"Can we make cookies too?"

"Cookies? Hm, if we're fast enough."

You probably won't believe me, but sometimes my mother gets a little upset whenever my father's cooking turns out better than her own. One of her many fears was the day I surpass her cooking skills.

Sadly, I end up doing so in the future. My mother refused to admit that my cooking surpassed hers.


"T-This is Shigezane-kun's house?!" I stared at the big house. It was a huge, but well-maintained traditional styled house. I didn't think Shigezane lived in this type of house.

"Surprised aren't you?" I nodded at my father eagerly. "Shigezane-kun mentioned he came from a big family, but he never told me his house was like this!"

My father smiled. "Now let's press the doorbell, okay?"

"Okay!" Taking careful steps, I hold the box of cookies close to me. Upon pressing the doorbell, a familiar lady's voice sounded from the intercom.


"Katakura-san, it's Yanagi Nozomi! I'm here to bring Shigezane-kun homework for today's class."

"What a surprise, I didn't think Nozomi-chan would be visiting today." Kitako giggled from the intercom. "I'll be right there."

After a few minutes had passed, a pretty young lady bearing long green hair looked surprise the minute her golden eyes landed on my father. "Who are you?"

"Ah, nice to meet you Katakura-san." My father greeted before introducing himself, "I'm Yanagi Aiji, Nozomi's father."

"Oh my, nice to meet you too. Yanagi-san." Kitako returned my father's introduction. "It's a pleasure to finally meet Nozomi-chan's father for the first time."

"Ah, but we shouldn't be standing out here chatting for too long." Opening the door wider, Kitako ushered us in.

Upon entering the house, I gasped in amazement of the interior of the house while taking off my shoes before entering.

"I've been meaning to ask, but those items in your arms?" Kitako asked while leading us down the hallway to what seemed to be the main room.

"I've asked my father if I could bring food and cookies for Shigezane-kun." I smiled. "After all, he seems to like my father's cooking too."

"Ah, was this supposedly the rumored famous Yanagi special?" Kitako looked at my father in surprise, "Shigezane would always mention about your cooking but to think there would be someone else that could match against Masamune-sama's cooking still surprises me."

"Masamune? Shigezane's older cousin, right?" Kitako nodded at my question.

"Yes, despite the way he acts...Masamune-sama actually has a caring side to him. Otherwise Shigezane wouldn't be getting his homemade lunchboxes up until now."

"Oh I'll get the tea ready." Kitako was about to leave, but stopped midway in her steps. "Nozomi-chan, if you want...you can also hand some of the cookies to Masamune-sama and my younger brother."

"Younger brother?"

"Katakura Kojuro, he currently serves as Masamune-sama's and Shigezane's personal attendant." Kitako pointed down a hallway. "Just go straight down here and I believe you'll see them by the gardens."

"Okay." I turned over to my father, "Can you go with me?"

"Sure." I don't want to go alone, so I grabbed onto my father's hand.

But as we continued down the hallway, I could hear the sound of an instrument.

"A flute?" I blinked in surprise. "Where's it coming from father?"

"Hmm...I think we will find out soon enough."

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