Night of the Summer Festival (2)

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"To think on the night of the summer would dare show your face around my territory, Kenshin." There was a low growl of anger coming from me.

My sworn rival, Uesugi Kenshin stood before me.

"Shingen." Kenshin kept a pointed gaze, "I see you haven't changed one bit."

On the first night of the summer festival, the full moon shined on us both. Our once human forms changed from where we stood.

I reopened my eyes and growled in my other form. "This time I'm going to get you Kenshin!"

"I wouldn't have any other way!"

For many years, the [Geggazoku] or the warriors of the [Moon Fang Tribe] have lived in this world. Protecting the people of Japan for several years from the horrendous monsters known as [Yakuma]. Yakuma are beings of chaos that emerged from the darkness just for the sake of feeding off the negative energy birthed by humans.

As a descendant of one of the leaders of the Moon Fang Tribe, I fight to protect the people of my area.

My name is Takeda Shingen. Next in line general to the Takeda Clan. The one I was facing against was Uesugi Kenshin. The next in line general to the Uesugi Clan, the oldest and biggest group out of all of the werewolf clans.

He's been my rival since the day we first met. I refuse to lose against him.

But on that fated night, I didn't just fight against Kenshin. A Yakuma appeared on our battlegrounds, which should've been impossible until Kenshin saw a little girl from the distance.

A lone human girl shrieked in fear as the Yakuma sped past us.

'Shit!' I cursed in my mind, the medicine's effect isn't lasting. I could feel the blood in my throat starting to climb it's way out of my mouth despite being in my wolf form. 'Let me make it on time!'

'I promised to protect my people, if I can't make it...!'

I wasn't fast enough, but the next thing that happened. A loud howl sounded from Kenshin.

The Siberian Husky form he took almost resembled an actual wolf. As Kenshin charged past me, the Yakuma was ready to aim a hit against the girl.

Luckily, Kenshin took a giant leap and attacked the Yakuma mercilessly using his claws.

"Don't just stand there, Shingen! Attack!" Kenshin's words managed to snap me out of my daze.

"Right!" The both of us attacked the Yakuma countlessly, until it disintegrated into puffs of black smoke.

By the time we finished, our wolf forms didn't last longer. We ended up returning to our human form. We couldn't finish our fight due to the girl.

Even though Kenshin was the one that saved her, he refused to help the little girl.

I still can't believe he isn't good with children when he already has a nephew.

After taking the girl back to her parents, I returned to the forest area of the shrine to find Masanobu waiting for me.

"Shingen-sama." The blonde haired boy bowed, "We've taken out the remaining Yakuma in this area."

"Kenshin's clansmen?" I'm surprised nobody else was with Masanobu.

"They left as soon as Uesugi Kenshin returned."

"The others?"

"Nobuharu is chasing off the remaining Yakuma around the shrine."

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