"Fine by me." Our team sits down on the couch and wait our turn as we decide who goes in what order. "So, who's good at bowling?" Jinyoung asked.

"Ari, didn't you bowl?" Elise asked.

"Yeah, but that was long time ago. I may be a little rusty."

"That's okay. Jaebum, I know you're pretty good. What about you Elise?"

"I'm okay. Not the best. You should probably have me go in-between two people and someone who's good at the end." Elise suggested.

"Okay, so the order will be myself, Elise, Jaebum, and then Aria. Sound good?"

"Yeah." Elise smiled. Although I'm glad Jinyoung chose me for his team, it's a little awkward with both Jaebum and I on the team. He hasn't even spoken to me since he got to the bowling alley. Wonho's team FINALLY decided who was going first and Jackson went and bowled.

Jinyoung got up right after Jackson playfully fell to the floor, dramatically saying that he could do better, but Momo was literally trying to pull him back to their couch. It was extremely amusing. Jinyoung hits nine pins and then gets a spare. Reina goes after Jinyoung and the game continued on from there.

It was my turn to bowl and Wonho was being annoying. "Don't hurt yourself, Aria." Man, I really want to punch him in the face. I know he's trying to sike me out. I suddenly feel a presence behind me and I hear Jaebum's voice. "Don't listen to him."

"Thanks captain obvious." I said annoyed.

"May I?"

"May you what?"

Jaebum is closer to me, I can feel his body heat radiating into my back and he places his hands on top of mine. "Close your eyes." Jaebum whispers. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "When you open your eyes, try aim for one particular pin. Don't worry about knocking them all down." Jaebum continued.

"Hey! No helping!" Jackson yelled.

Jaebum pulls away from me and I suddenly feel empty. I close my eyes again and take a deep breath. I open them and focus on the pin in the very front. I prep myself to bowl and I release the bowling ball onto the lane. It goes straight down the middle and I get a strike.

"Holy crap!" I yell. I turn around and Jaebum is standing behind me. Without thinking, I hug him, but then pull away almost immediately and blush. "Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

Be still my beating heart. I sit down and I feel my cheeks burn. "You're blushing." Elise whispered.

"Like you can see it." I whispered back.

"Your facial expression gives it away." Elise snickered. The game ensues and every once in a while, Jaebum and I would lock eyes.

"Gosh, get a room why don't you!" Jinyoung teased. Towards the end of the game, Jaebum had moved from the couch near the other lane to a few feet away from me.

"Aria," Jaebum says as he scoots closer to me. I turn and look at him. "Can you come to the snack bar with me?" He asked.

"The game's almost over." Not really understanding why he's just now going to the snack bar.

"Just come with me, please?" He begged.

"Fine." Jaebum and I get up and go to the snack bar. We're standing in line in silence, until Jaebum speaks up.

"Are you having fun?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah. I mean I know it was my idea for this group date thing, but I kind of wish it was just you and me." He admitted.

"I see what you mean. I love hanging out with my friends, but it's weird when—"

"You're trying to get someone's attention." Jaebum finished.

"Right." It's our turn to order and Jaebum orders a soda and some popcorn. Jaebum and I walk back to our team and it's my turn to bowl again. I bowl and knock down eight pins and then get a spare.

The game ends and Jinyoung's team wins. Not surprised, since we didn't goof off like the other team did. Reina was so pissed. She can get pretty competitive. Momo was luckily able to calm her down too, which was a win-win situation for her not being nervous around her. After we cleaned up and returned our shoes, we all go our separate ways.

As Reina and I walk back to my car, I hear "Aria, wait up!" Reina and I stop and turn around and see Jaebum.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Reina, if you don't mind, can I steal your friend for a couple hours?" Jaebum asked.

"By all means. Have her back by midnight." Reina grinned. I give Reina my car keys and say, "Please don't crash my car."

"I won't." Reina whined. I watch Reina get in my car and drive away.

"So, why did you steal me from Reina?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out a little longer, while the night's still young?" He asked hopefully. I thought about it for a moment and smiled.

"Sure, why not?"

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