Chapter 9

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"Belong to you?" I repeated.

"Yeah." Jaebum said with a straight face. We both stare at each other and I feel my hands get super clammy and I rub them against my skirt.

"Uh, you're joking right? I'm not property." I stated.

"That's true."

"And also, WHAT THE FUCK, JAEBUM?! How can you even ask me a question like that? I barely know you." I whispered harshly.

"That's also true, but you have to hear my side."

"Oh this shall be good." I said sarcastically as well as crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"We shouldn't have this conversation here. Let's go."

"Oh, you're going to boss me around like you usually do?"

"Aria, please."

"You know what, just take me home. We can skip rehearsal tonight."


"Take me home, Jaebum." I commanded. Jaebum had the nerve to growl at me and then storms off. I follow after him and we drive in uncomfortable silence back to my apartment complex on campus.

I don't say a word to him when I get out and head back into my room. Reina is in the kitchen making popcorn when she sees me. "Hey, you look cute."

I don't answer and cover myself. "What's wrong?" She asked as she walked towards me. "Nothing." My eyes betray me and I start to cry. "Oh Ari." Reina frowned and she hugged me.

"What happened?" She asked.


"Did he hurt you? Because I swear I'll kick his ass."


"You know what, change and we can talk about it over Law and Order SVU, okay?" She said with a small smile.

"Okay." I go into my room and change into some shorts, and a long sleeve and a pair of fuzzy socks. I sit on the couch beside Reina and lean on her.

"Do you want some wine?" She asked me.

"Hell yeah." I pouted.

Reina chuckles and grabs two glasses as well as a bottle of wine that we both like. She pours me a glass. "So, what happened?"

"Jaebum pretty much asked me out on a date and it was going well, but then he asked me this odd question and we were going to talk about it, but then I recollected all my interactions with him, especially when he's alone with me and he has a habit of bossing me around."

"And for some reason, I seem to obey everything he says, like a dog and bothered me. Then I ordered him to take me home and he did. Plus, we were supposed to have rehearsal tonight, but I cancelled it."

"What was the question, if you don't mind me asking?"

"He asked me 'how would I feel if I belonged to him?' That's weird right?"

"Yeah. It's super weird. And kind of creepy. What if he had an ulterior motive?"

"And what could it possibly be? No guy just randomly asks you if you want to belong to them? That's weird."

"That's true." I take a very large gulp of wine and lay down. "I thought he liked me." He whined.

"He does like you. You guys just started talking. He'll come around." Reina said as she took a sip of wine. I hear my phone jingle and I see a text message. I glance at it and see Jaebum's name.

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