Chapter 30

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I want to say thank you to @Jadethedivergent for this chapter. I also want to say sorry for not updating this book for a while. Hopefully I can get back on track with this new chapter and be able to update more frequently than I have been.


Aaryana's POV (Before Brentin's)

Once Kip and I arrived upstairs, I immediately let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you ok? I know that that must have been tough..." He said looking at me with pity-no...sympathy?

I thought back to the first fight when Kip didn't try to save Julie. For the first time I realized that, in the mate department, we weren't so different. He had Julie, an unfaithful slut, and I had Brentin, a lying, stupid, annoying, manwhore.

I have him a small smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Honestly I was expecting it. I actually think we all were. If he was willing to cheat on his mate for two years, why wouldn't he cheat on her again?" I said walking over to the babies cribs.

"This is my only baby girl, Angelica." I said picking her up. I snuggled her for a second before I have her to Kip. "Be careful...if you drop her, I will chop your balls off and then feed them to you! Okay? Okay." I exclaimed, giving a fake, super-sweet smile. He looked at me for a second, to see if I was kidding, and when he saw I was completely honest, he gulped and nodded.

"I'll be careful, promise." Kip said, smiling at her. "But doesn't the Brentin thing still hurt? Even if you were expecting it, he was your mate, and you'd have to be an emotionless person for it not to hurt." He asked, still looking down at Angelica.

"Yeah, it does hurt. Not as much as the first time, but he was my mate. You know the person who you're destined for, the one who is supposed to be loyal, loving and trustworthy." I laughed humourously and rolled my eyes, picking up Xander. "Well, Brentin totally fits that description!" I spat sarcastically.

I held Xander while Kip switched from holding Angelica with both hands to the crook of his left arm. He then grabbed Xander from my hands, placing him in the crook of his right arm. He looked at them both with adoration. I smiled at the sight. That could have been Brentin. I thought, smiling sadly. And to think, I actually gave him a second chance...

"And here is my oldest, Daniel." I said, smiling as I picked him up. He was sleeping, but as I snuggled him, his eyes opened. Our eyes met and he smiled. "Hey baby!" I laughed, kissing his nose. He then giggled the most a-fricken-dorable giggle ever. I snuggled him and changed his diaper while Kip played with Angelica and Xander. After a little while, he exchanged Angelica with Daniel. I watched him as he played with the boys, always making them laugh. A moment passed when a look of sadness crossed his face, then he shook his head, replacing it with a look of determination. When Xander giggled, he looked down at them, and a look of happiness mixed Was on his face.

Kip's POV

I watched Aaryana the whole time we were talking. I watched as she held an emotionless mask when we talked about Brentin cheating again. I watched as the hurt covered her face when we talked about what one's mate should be like, and I most definitely watched when her whole face lot up with happiness, joy and love when she looked, held and even talked about her there babies.

'She loves them, even if they remind her of someone who brought her sadness, remorse, and probably hatred.' I thought to myself.

'If you would have kept you and Julie's baby, would you still love him?' My wolf asked me.
'Yes.' I answered immediately.
'Well there you go.' He said.

I suddenly had a strange feeling in my stomach when I watched her take care of her children, I didn't know what it was, but I've never felt it before.
'You've felt it once, before Raea became a power hungry bitch...' My wolf hinted. I rolled my eyes and have my attention back to Xander and Daniel in my arms, and I felt a sense of pride and love towards them.

I then thought back to my own son, how he was to grow up practically without a father. I shook my head, getting rid of the horrible memories trying to resurface. That's when I made my decision.

Aaryana doesn't have to like me, hell she doesn't even have to like me, but I will prove myself to her and these children. I absolutely will NOT let them have the same childhood I did, I will be there for them. As a father and as a friend.

Your Mistake, My Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें