Chapter 36

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Ok, before starting this chapter I wanna say sorry for being so slow on the updates. But on a good note, this is 1/2 updates tonight. I hope y'all enjoy it.
Allen's POV
It's been 3 1/2 weeks since we imprisoned Raea. It's been 2 weeks since they started torturing her. Why? Simple, she's the reason my daughter is in a coma.
In the past 2 weeks her torture has went from bad to worse. It started out with just beatings. Then it was beatings with cigarette burns. That was just the first 3 days of her torture. Then the torture went to cuts and pulling off nails. She had over 1,000 cuts on her. All of her nails were gone. When they had gotten done with her nails, they cut off her nose. They did that over a course of 5 days. Then the next 3 days were spent crushing her knees with a knee crusher that was dipped in wolfsbane and silver. There was no way for her knees to heal. Last part of torture they hooked her up to 'the rack'. It's a wooden device slightly raised off the ground. It has a roller at both ends. Her wrists and ankles were chained to both rollers. I watched as they turned the rollers until her arms and legs dislocated. Then, today they finished her off by tightening the rollers so much that her body literally separated. It was gruesome. The sad thing is, I don't feel any remorse for her death.
It's been 4 hours since the end of her torture and they are now fixing the burning site. Brentin said he wanted her body burned, so that's what they are doing. I watched as they set everything in order then carried her out of her torture cell. When they threw her body in the fire, I had to turn away. But that did nothing for the sound of searing flesh or the smell. After 30 minutes, I left to go be with my family.

Aaryana's POV
I awoke to a peaceful and beautiful paradise. Flowers of every kind, waterfall, mountains, trees. It was gorgeous! In the middle of the peaceful scenery was a bench facing the waterfall. On the bench was a beautiful woman motioning me to come towards her. My feet obeyed the silent command. The next thing I know, I was standing beside her.
"Sit down my child." She said. As I sat down I had a million questions on my mind, but I asked the main 4.
"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? Am I dead?" I blurted out.
"I'm Selene, the moon goddess. You are in between worlds. No, you're not dead. Not yet anyways. We will come back to that. Now, tell me everything you remember about your life." She demanded.
I thought over everything in my life.I knew some stuff but others I was drawing a blank on. So, I told her what I remembered. "My mom died when I was young. My dad died but somehow didn't. I was part of a pack but left, though I can't remember why. I am now alpha of my own pack. I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. But what about my mate? Do I have one? Have I met him? Did he die?" I asked.
"I can't tell you that. Your wolf has to help you remember. But, all my children has a mate. Now do you remember how you got here?" She demanded.
I thought it over but couldn't recall what sent me here. "No, I have no recollection of how I got here. My last memory is of me sitting by a lake." I answered.
"It will all come to you in dreams or flashbacks. Well, if you decide to live." She said with a small smile. "So do you wish to stay here or go back?"
I thought it over. I could stay here and never feel pain again. But, I would be leaving my kids without a mother. That helped me make my decision. "I want to..."

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