Chapter 14

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Brentin's POV

I was sitting in my office when I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran to where I heard the scream to see Julie, laying on the floor. "Juls, what's wrong?" I asked her. Even though she's not my mate, I do love her and seeing her laying like this on the floor hurts me.

"I think I am going into labor." She said. I started to panic; I've never been through this before.

*I need the pack doctor immediately.* I shouted through the mind link.

*I'm on my way Alpha.* The pack doctor said back. In 5 minutes she was here. She ran through the door and then stopped once she seen me kneeling on the floor and Julie laying there panting. "Oh, dear, looks like the baby is ready to come out." She sneered. Yes, after Aaryana left, everyone began to hate Julie. Well, Julie and me. They no longer looked at me like an alpha. They now looked at me like I was a disgrace, and I guess in a way I am. But, that doesn't give her the right to go being a bitch when Juls is going into labor.

"Are you going to help her?" I shouted. I couldn't help to shout at her. This is Juls and the baby we are talking about here.

"Only because of the baby. If it was something that didn't include a baby then, honestly, no I wouldn't." She said. I looked at her in disbelief.

"You would actually watch a member of your own pack die, knowing that you could save them?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes I would. Well, when it comes to you or her anyways. Why? Because she is the reason that our Luna left. She is the reason for all the troubles we are having. She is the reason you are a sleaze bag. And she is the reason I hate this pack anymore. I never thought that I would hate the pack that I was raised in. But, you and her, well, you two changed my opinion." She said. I looked into her eyes and seen nothing but disgust and hate for me and Julie. I did this. I tore this pack's heart out when I cheated on Aaryana. "And besides why would I want to help two of the most sickening people in this pack? You are nothing more than a manwhore and she is nothing more than a backstabbing, twofaced lying conniving bitch who thinks that she's sexy but in reality she's trashy. Messing around with you then leaving for hours to fuck another man. Oh and let me guess dear, it's your mate isn't it?"

Julie looked shocked and surprised. It was evident she didn't think anyone would find out. "How did you find out?" She asked the pack doctor, Sandy.

"Oh, I heard it from someone. It's really amazing that they were the first ones to find out when you have been doing this for two and a half years!" Sandy said. Wait, 2 ½ years? That means when she came to me once we knew Aaryana was my mate she already knew her mate? She lied to me! She deceived me?

"You lied to me?" I asked her. I can't lie, knowing the woman that I fell in love with lied to me. But, I guess now I know what Aaryana went through.

"Please, like you didn't smell him on me. And every time I left and came back I only had one scent on me." She growled. "Now, get this damn baby out of me!"

~2 hours later~

Finally the baby was born. I could tell by looking at the baby that he was mine. Seeing this filled me with sadness. I couldn't believe it. The baby was really mine. But then again, I was happy because I now have an alpha heir. Since I would never get one from Aaryana.

"What do you think of our son?" Julie asked me. I wanted to be mad at her. I wanted to say that the baby wasn't supposed to be ours, but Aaryana's and mine. But, I didn't.

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