Chapter 4

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Julie's POV

I sat back and watched the whole meeting take place. To say I was shocked would be overestimated. He admitted to the whole pack about cheating on Aaryana, with me. He even told them he got me pregnant. His Beta and Beta female, well they were angry. I don't blame them. They were friends with Aaryana when all I did was stabbed her in the back. But, it was all for a good reason. As the pack meeting died down, I watched as his mom and dad stayed back to have a word with him. He made everyone leave, so where did I go? I went to the secret doorway that goes into the office so I could hear what they had to say to him.

I watched as his mom disowned him. I also watched as his dad beat him to a pulp and then finally ran out of energy. I listened to him and his dad talk. Then I thought back over it all. His mate leaving, the pack falling apart, over 25 members leaving, his mom and dad disowning him, and finally his dad beating him up. I couldn't help but feel satisfied. This is what I've been working on for 2 years. See this is all part of my mate's plan. Have this pack destroyed so he can take over it. With Aaryana out of the picture, Brentin won't be strong enough to take him down. I can't wait to hear what my mate has to say when I report this to him. We made this plan 2 ½ years ago.


I was running through the forest. Today is my 16th birthday. I just found out my boyfriend, Brentin, who I've been dating for a year isn't my mate. I feel so heartbroken. I made it to a waterfall/pond that separates our land from the Dark Shadows pack. I heard a low growl. Startled from my thoughts, I looked across the pond to see a huge black wolf. He shifted into his human form and jumped in the pond. Once he jumped in, he swam towards me.

"Shift." He commanded. My wolf easily submitted to his voice/command and shifted. I noticed he was naked, which bigger wolves do tend to shred their clothes if they shift in anger. So, I looked down suddenly finding the ground interesting. "Look at me." He demanded. I looked up and met his eyes, they were a hypnotic royal blue. I ended up getting lost in them. "Mate." He said. "What's your name? What pack are you from?" He asked.

"Julie. Morning Star pack. What about you?" I asked.

"You can call me Kip. I'm soon to be alpha of the Dark Shadows pack." He replied.

"So, I'm gonna be a Luna? Your Luna?" I asked excitedly. I always wanted to be the Luna. I am finally getting my wish. When I found out that Brentin wasn't my mate, I thought I would be mated to some standard wolf. But now that I see my mate, and I know he is alpha, I know why I wanted to help Brentin take care of the pack so much.

"Yes. But before I can mark you, I need you to do something for me." He said, shocking me out of my thoughts. What could he possibly need me to do before he can mark me? What is more important than finding your mate and marking them?

"Like what?" I asked interested.

"I need you to bring down Brentin, when he becomes Alpha, of course. He should become alpha when he finds his mate. Wait... Has he found his mate yet?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Ok. I need you to wait until he finds his mate. Then find a way to break her. Breaking her will break him. And the pack will crumble. Do whatever it takes. Then and only then can I mark you as mine." He told me.

"But that's my pack. My family lives there. The punishment for treason is death. And, you should know that going against the alpha or future Luna will be grounds for torture before death. They will drag the torture on and on if I get caught." I said.

"If you want to be my mate and the Luna of my pack, you'll do it. The Luna always does what's in the best interest of her pack." He said. I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted me to break the pack's future Luna or make the pack crumble.

"Ok. Whatever it takes, I'll do it." I said. "But, if I get caught, you have to come save me."

"Good. You're my mate, do you think I would let anything happen to you?" He asked. I shook my head no. Then he started kissing me. It got heated pretty quickly. Before I knew it, we were doing even more heated things.

End flashback

Yes, I found my mate. Two and a half years ago. We have been secretly seeing each other for those 2 ½ years. We devised the plan to take down this pack, and now it is in motion. The pack is slowly coming apart. I wonder how many more members will leave. And, I couldn't believe that Brentin was gullible enough to believe me. Do I feel guilty? Yes, well, I feel a little guilty. But I need my mate by my side, so I don't care. And what he fails to realize is almost every time we had sex, he used a condom. Well, besides once or twice. So the question is, am I really pregnant? And if so, who's the father? I pulled out my phone and texted Kip.

Me: She left. About 25 pack members left too. Including the beta couple. His mom and dad disowned him. His dad beat him to a pulp and fussed him out.

Kip: Perfect. Now for the rest to crumble. Keep me updated. Before you know it you will be in my arms and marked. How's the baby?

Me: I will. And the baby is doing good. How much longer do I have to wait? It's been 2 ½ years and I want to be your Luna already.

Kip: Just until I have that pack under my authority. Which without the Luna there it should be about 3 maybe 4 months, then I can take over.

Me: Why do you want to take over the pack?

Kip: So that I can finally go against the Night Star pack. They are the biggest and strongest pack in the world. I need to be able to beat that pack so that I can be known as the biggest and strongest pack. Then no one will be able to defeat me. Or us.

Me: Ok. I will see you later. Love you.

Kip: See you later and love you too.


Edited version of chapter 4...hope you like it.

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