Three: I'm Not Jealous!

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“What’s your favorite color?”

“Hmm? Favorite color? ”


Ciara scrunched up her nose. “For someone as optimistic as you, you sure do like a dark color.”

The tip of Jared’s lips curved upwards, and he quickly glanced away from her. His voice was low, and Ciara had to strain her ears to hear it. “I think it’s mysterious.”

“Yes, definitely,” agreed Ciara. “It suits you.”

“Here’s your lasagna and tiramisu,” the waitress said, placing a plate of steaming pasta and a rather appealing-looking piece of cake in front of her. “And yours,” she said to Jared, leaning over a bit more than Ciara thought she should.

“That again,” Jared said with amusement written clear in his eyes.

“What again?”

Ciara’s slightly shaky tone betrayed her carefully composed mask. She grabbed her fork and popped a piece of pasta into her mouth. Her eyes watered from the burning sensation on her tongue. She swallowed and grabbed the glass of water, downing the cool liquid to soothe her burning tongue.

Jared smirked. “You’re jealous.”

Ciara choked, coughing unattractively and turning bright red (It had nothing to do with being embarrassed. It was purely because she was choking). She snorted. Her? Jealous? Not possible! Why would she be jealous of a mere waitress? This was absurd.

Okay, maybe she didn’t really like that particular waitress…

Okay, it was a bit more than dislike…

So what? She was not jealous. She insists!

“I am not.”

“Alright, if you say so.”

Ciara glanced up, eyeing him skeptically. Was it just her? He didn’t seem to believe her. She almost scoffed. What was there to not believe when it was the pure truth? Jared was being ridiculous, Ciara thought bitterly. She distractedly shoved a piece of cake into her mouth. Her annoyance vanished like morning fog in bright sunlight, and she almost moaned.

“This is so good!”

Jared’s child-like eyes lit up with enthusiasm. A large grin stretched across his face, complementing his boyish features. “I know right! They make the best tiramisu in this area.”

“I love it! Damn, you sure have good taste!”

If possible, Jared’s grin stretched out even further. His eyes glowed with praise, practically showering in her compliments. “I was searching for some good restaurants, and I’m pretty happy with this one.”

“I love it!” Ciara said, plopping the last piece of the cake into her mouth. Jared grinned at her. Ciara’s eyes widened, and she abruptly stood up. “Crap! It’s late! My mom will have a fit.”

Jared placed the money on the table and stood up as well. “It’s my fault. I told her I’ll get you back by ten.”

The two rushed to his car. Even during the haste, he still managed not to forget to open the door for her. Ciara shot him a smirk when they were seated. “Ever the gentlemen.”

“Why of course.”

“Shouldn’t you be telling me that I drive too fast?”

Ciara could detect the amusement in his tone as she tapped to the song playing in the radio. Ciara turned around, and she raised her eyebrow. Just to emphasize her point, her gaze lowered obviously to read the speed they were traveling at.

“Nope, I’m fine with driving fast.”

“Strange,” he said more to himself than to her, “they all screamed at me.”

“You…how many girls have said that?”

“Hmm? Since I got this baby? Seven? I don’t know. I lost count after – Ow!”

Ciara turned her nose up while Jared muttered more about how it was impossible to understand girls.

“There,” he grumbled, “your stop.”

Ciara sulked silently. She reached over for the door handle but stopped when she felt his hand around her upper arm. She twisted around to protest but halted when she felt his lips on hers. In reality, it probably lasted for a mere two seconds, yet the explosion of emotions she felt could be compared with the fireworks described in romance novels.

He pulled back moments later and stroked her cheek. Ciara gulped at the intense look in his hazel eyes. His eyes lost all their child-like features. Never had she been looked at this way, looked at by eyes that held such ferocity and gentleness at the same time. It shocked her, but it gave her a surprisingly strong sense of security.

“Don’t be mad at me,” he said, stroking her hair. “Please?”

It was impossible. No, impossible would be a major understatement. There was simply no way Ciara could stay mad at him with the way he uttered those words. They were sincere; they were from the bottom of his heart.

Ciara leaned forward and pecked him on his lips. “I’m not mad at you. I promise.”

“Good, good, now go before your mom comes out and yell at us.”

Ciara returned the grin. She waved one last time before bouncing to the door. Oh dear god, she thought. Wasn’t I over him?

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