Three: I'm Not Jealous!

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Three: I’m Not Jealous!

“Damn, Loki’s hot. Damn, Thor’s hair is hot too. Ironman’s -”

“Damn, Scarlett Johansson sure has a nice arse.”

Ciara paused ogling at the screen. She raised a skeptical eyebrow at the guy sitting next to her. Was it just her?

“Are you jealous?” she asked, her voice a pitch higher than it should have been.

“Me? The God of pick-up lines will never be jealous of a mere demigod.”

“Thor is not a demigod! He’s the God of Thunder! Loki’s a God too!”

“Really? Aren’t they -?”

“Teenagers nowadays,” someone grumbled from behind the two. Ciara, being ever her curious self, glanced over her shoulder to see a very annoyed man in his mid-thirties with a woman whom she assumed to be the man’s wife.

“We’re not teenagers,” Jared said under his breath.

Ciara hid a grin. Both of them had been arguing incessantly ever since the movie started. She was surprised enough that no one attempted to throw them out yet although they did get several annoyed complaints from around them. Jared didn’t really seem to mind, keeping his voice ever so loud. Ciara sighed, returning her attention back to the screen. Avengers was one of the movies she’d been waiting forever. No matter what, she was not getting herself kicked out.

“Jared! Did you see that?! Ironman almost died!”

“Yeah, Ciara, I’m not blind, you know.”

“I know but -!”

“Kids, be quiet will you?!”

“One of the best movies I’ve seen,” Ciara said, flicking open the menu.

Even though the soothing music was meant to give off a tranquil sensation, Ciara felt her heart pumping rapidly in her chest. You’re over him, she told herself. Her heartbeat only seemed to increase, and finally she glanced up.

“Decided what to eat?” Jared asked.

“Not really.”

A waitress came over, a small notebook in her hand. She smiled warmly at the two. Ciara narrowed her eyes at the waitress’ blatant display of checking Jared out. The poor guy seemed oblivious though, wearing an ever-so childlike look in his eyes. Ciara coughed loudly. She gave the waitress a stern look, hoping that she would get the hint and disappear. The waitress, catching her intention, smirked at her. Ciara dug her nails into the table’s wooden surface.

“Is anything wrong?”

“No, not at all.”

“Alright, try the lasagna,” Jared suggested. “Their tiramisu is also pretty awesome. I’ll have the same.”

“Okay, I’ll have those.”

“Any drinks?” the waitress asked, batting her eyelashes at the ignorant Jared.

“Nope,” Ciara replied, desperately trying to keep the murderous edge out of her voice.

The waitress scurried off, strutting a bit more than necessary. Ciara bit her tongue. It was just a waitress.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You look pretty angry about something.”

“I do?” Ciara plastered on a smile that she hoped was distracting enough to divert Jared’s attention. It worked.

“Never mind, I must have been imagining things.”

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