Telling Them

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Hey! After last chapter's cliffhanger, I just had to continue this story! This chapter will be majority Rachel P.O.V since it is all about her pregnancy



Rachel P.O.V


How am I going to tell Finn about my pregnancy?

Wait, we haven't done 'it' yet so how can I be pregnant?

Oh crap! Jesse may the daddy.


I arrive at school to see Finn at my locker. I can't tell him now so I give him the cold shoulder.

"Rach? What's up?" He asks.

Silence is all I give him.

"Rach? Is something wrong?" He asks.

Another silence. I take my books for my first class out of my locker.

"Tell me Rach! I'm your boyfriend and I love you." He says.

What? He loves me. I don't think I've told him I loved him yet. It may have blurted out at one stage but do I love him?

"I'll tell you later Finn." I say and walk to class.


I go into Glee club that afternoon. I haven't seen or talked to Finn since this morning. He looks at me as I sit down.

"Hey Rach. Can I talk to you in private? Maybe in the auditorium." Finn says.

"Sure." I say and stand up. We walk to the auditorium. I sit on the stage. He sits next to me.

"Why have you been giving me the silent treatment, Rach?" He asks.

"I have a huge secret." I say.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Okay. I'm pregnant." I say. He looks confused.

"We haven't done it yet though." He says.

"Yeah but my first time was with Jesse. After we broke up, I was really sad. He said sorry to me and told me he loved me and at that stage I loved him too. The night we got back together was the middle of summer. We did 'it' and he left me in the morning with a note reading 'Goodbye Rachel. I'm going to Juliard. I will always love you :) xoxo Jesse'. I started getting sick but just thought I had a stomach bug. I left it for 3 months till last night. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive." I say, tears flowing down my checks. Finn looks shocked.

Finn looks to the ground then looks across the seats. I know he probably feels sad to know that I thought I loved Jesse so he became my first. Is Finn still a virgin? He can't be. He's a famous singer and most guys his age aren't virgin's.

"Thank you for telling me. Don't worry. My first was with an ex-girlfriend who I broke up with before I became famous. When I became famous, she came back to me confessing her love for me. We did 'it' and she told all her friends that she slept with Finn Hudson. I felt so stupid for that." Finn says.

I hug him. He hugs me back.

"I want for you want to help me raise this child as if they're your own. Jesse can't find out about this." I say.

"I promise to stay by your side through out all of this. I love you, Rach." He says.

"I love you too, Finny." I say and kiss him.

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