Rachel Berry, not a fan

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Hey! Wazzup!!!

Enjoy this chapter

Disclaimer: Don't own Glee or One Direction :'( *sobs*


Rachel P.O.V


My name is Rachel Berry and I HATE One Direction!! They are just some stuck up American Boy Band but I have to admit, I find the tall one cute.

"Let's listen to One Direction!" Mercedes Jones, one of my best friends, shouts. Brittany Pierce, Sugar Motta and Quinn Fabray. Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez and I stay quiet.

"You seriously bought the CD with you, Cedes?" Kurt Hummel says. He's step brothers with Finn Hudson, the cute and tall one.

"Why wouldn't I?" Mercedes says, putting the CD into the stereo. At least my dad's aren't home cause she turned it up LOUD!!!

"Rach, you need to get over him!" Quinn says. I just broke up with my stupid boyfriend, Jesse St.James. He moved to McKinley for a year last year and we dated for a year. At his graduation, I saw him making out with one of his exes! It's been a whole summer since we broke up and I'm still getting over him.

I look at my friends dancing around and singing around my room. I roll my eyes.

"O-M-G!!!" Quinn screams, looking at her phone.

"What?" Sugar says.

"One Direction are coming to our school. Not for a concert but to go to school for their senior year!" Quinn shouts and the room is full of screams.

"Oh, look at that. I have a text from Puck wondering if I wanna spend the night at his. Bye." Santana says and grabs her stuff. She leaves.

"I just remembered I have stuff to do tomorrow morning so bye!" Tina says. She leaves.

I know they were telling lies just to get away from the crazy directioners. Kurt can survive though. He spends time with Finn a lot and hears them sing quite often.

Let's just hope MY senior doesn't involve them.


Finn P.O.V


We arrive at McKinley High to screaming cheerleaders. They all want autographs but I make my way through the crowd. Rory follows me, pushing Artie along. Sam and Joe on the other hand, sign the autographs but follow us 5 minutes after. Rory's humming 'What Makes You Beautiful' and Artie is patting the tune on his legs. Even our own song bugs me sometimes.

The bell rings and we have an assembly. We walk to the gym and take our seats. No special treatment.

"Hello students. To the new students of our school, I am Principal Figgins. I am pleased to have one of the most popular bands in the world at our school. Could Finn Hudson, Samuel Evans, Arthur Abrams, Joesph Hart and Rory Flannagan come to the stage?" The man on the stage says.

We all go down to the stage. Girls are screaming at us and guys are clapping unenthusiastically. I notice one girl. She's not cheering or clapping. She's just resting her head on her hand and looking miserable. She looks so beautiful. I've seen so many girls all around the world but this girl grabs my attention immediately. I realise I've stopped in my tracks when Sam pushes me.

"This is the band One Direction but I think everyone knows that. Any words boys?" Figgins asks.

I step forward to the microphone to a loud applause. I cough.

Glee DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora