Winning The Heart of Sugar

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Hey! This is my mostly Sugary centred chapter!



Sugar P.O.V


My name is Sugar Motta and I am offically in love with Rory Flannagan. He wore this 'Kiss Me, I'm Irish' shirt today and I kissed him! (Well, he kissed me). It all went like this....

I was walking down the hallway and I heard One Direction practicing some new song they'd been writing. I walk into the choir room. I see Finn, Sam, Joe, Artie and (swoon) Rory (swoon)! Rory is so adorable and has an awesome accent. I lean on the door frame and listen to their song. Sam's playing the guitar and Finn seems to be drumming.

Rory sees me and drags me into the room. I notice his shirt reading 'Kiss Me, I'm Irish' and I started to really want to kiss him. He sings to me and I stare into his eyes. The song finishes and he pulls me close, our faces almost touching. He places his lips on mine and we....we....we......KISS!!!!

"Dude, we need to practice not make out with chicks." Finn says. He's obviously bitter about the whole Rachel problem. I know that cause Rachel tells us girls (and Kurt) EVERYTHING!!!

Rory let's go of me and walks towards the guys. I move backwards out the door. I ran to the cafeteria to tell my friends.

"You guys will never guess what just happened!" I shout.

"You met a bear in the corridors." Kurt says.

"No." I say.

"A unicorn explained what a duck is. Cause I don't know what a duck is." Brittany says.

"No." I say.

"What happened?" Mercedes asks.

"I kissed Rory Flannagan! Well he kissed me!" I scream.

"Oh my Barbra!" Kurt screams and hugs me.

"What happened after?" Quinn asks.

"Finn told him to stop making out with me and get back to practice." I say. I see Rachel's head drop at the mention of Finn. She definitely still likes him after their one kiss.

"Cheer up, Rachy." Brittany says, putting her arm around Rachel.

"I'm trying Britt but I can't. I really like Finn and the mention of his name makes me sad." Rachel says.

"Then go out with him." Tina says.

"I don't know. I think he needs to think about this for awhile too." Rachel says.

"Maybe I could date him." Santana mumbles so no one can hear but I hear her.

"I'm going to go talk to Rory." I say and walk off to find Rory.


I find Rory singing lyrics to 'Moments' in the choir room. I listen to his sweet irish singing voice.

"Sugar?" He says. He knows I'm listening to him.

"Hey Rory." I say, looking at him.

"Hey. I think we need to talk." Rory says.

"Yeah Rory." I say, anticipating for what he's going to say next.

"I really like you and want us to be together as a couple." Rory says.

"I'd love that Rory!" I say and hug him.

"Do you know why Finn is so angry around couples or kissing?" Rory asks me.

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