Tell 'em That It's Human Nature

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Continuing after the slap, drama unfolds, jealousy is unearth and the right couples might be together by the end of this chapter. This might be the chapter where Samcedes get together. I'll think about as I write.



Santana P.O.V


"Santana!" I hear Berry shout from behind me in the corridors. I turn around and Hobbit is right in my face. In an instant, feel the impact of her hand against my face......

"YOU JUST HIT ME, HOBBIT!!!" I scream at Rachel. She looks scared and she should be.

"I'm sorry Santana! I saw Finn kiss your cheek and anger took over me! Are you and Finn together?" Rachel asks.

"Yes." I say. She slaps me again.

"You know I really like Finn!" Rachel says.

"Can you please stop slapping me? Can we talk without fighting?" I say. I sound so different to my normal self. I explain to Rachel my plan.

"Your using Finn!" Rachel screams and slaps me again.

"Seriously Berry!!! I will go all Lima Heights on your ass!" I shout.

"Don't go using Finn then! He's this sweet and innocent guy." Rachel says.

"You've only know him since the beginning of semester which is only a week." I say.

"Yeah but a lot can happen in a week." Rachel says. She stands up and walks off.

I lean my head against the wall when Puck appears.

"Hey San." Puck says.

"Hey Puck." I say, cheerfully.

"You wanna come to mine tonight for a little loving?" Puck asks.

"Yup." I say. Screw my fake relationship with Finn fricking Hudson! Puck just asked me out!


Sam P.O.V


My name is Sam Evans and I'm from Los Angeles. I love to play the guitar and sing. I've been friends with Joe for forever.

"Hey Joe. Do you think Mercedes likes me?" I ask Joe.

"I don't know. She looks at you like she does. Why? Do you like her?" Joe asks.

"Maybe." I say and walk off.


I walk past the choir room to hear an angelic voice.

"Looking out

Across the nighttime

The city winks a sleepless eye

Hear his voice

Shake my window

Sweet seducing sighs"

I walk in and join her, startling Mercedes, who was singing.

"Get me out

Into the nighttime

Four walls won't hold me tonight

If this town

Is just an apple

Then let me take a bite"

She smiles and we sing together.

[Sam and Mercedes:]

Glee DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora