12 | Lincoln

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To: hailsbryant@gmail.com

Subject: Not anymore

I couldn't look at you. I couldn't. I was at one of my weakest points and if I were to see how much you were hurting, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from wrapping my arms around you and getting lost in your scent. So, I had to distract myself and Chelsea did a decent job of distracting me from you. 

I spent most of the seminar mindlessly thinking about how you were handling everything and if you'd applied to all of the many schools you wanted...everything. That was until I heard my name being called from a distant and for a moment, I wanted it to be your voice. But it wasn't. Rather it was Dr. Levinson addressing to me a simple and innocent question. 

But it wasn't so innocent to me. I felt the room waiting for me to give a spectacular answer...and instead my lips spoke the dark truth I felt in my heart. I couldn't help it. I didn't want to lie, especially to you. Not anymore. 

Saved: Sept 10, 7:57 PM


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