5 | Hailey

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To: lincolnadams@gmail.com

Subject: Everything

I came to your game today. I foolishly convinced myself that if I could force myself to coexist with you, that I would be able to easily move on.

It was easier than said, though. My eyes focused on you the second you ran out into the field. I watched you look out into the crowd and for a moment, my heart warmed. You would always do that when we were together. Your eyes would search until they find me and when they did, I'd blow you a kiss. I wanted you to find me for old times sake. I wanted a reassurance that I hadn't totally lost you. I wanted to know if there was still a chance that we may not yet be completely lost, a chance that you still love me.

However, your eyes never found mine.

And with that, my heart broke again. My body couldn't handle the renewed wound in my heart and my eyes couldn't hold the tears at bay any longer. So, I broke down. Right then and there, in the middle of the cheering crowd, I cried for you.

I still can't understand why you would leave me this way. You had me, my heart, my everything. Dammit, everything! I did everything for you.

How could you toss me away like a meaningless nothing?

Saved: Aug 25, 8:10 PM


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