Please Step Down

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The questions Anthony asked me come back to mind: Who are you? Quincey's what? I really can't figure out what we are to each other. Acquaintances? No, we're more than that. Friends? I guess we are in a way. I mean if you squint, you could see us as friends. What other label could possibly fit our relationship? We're not a couple. 

However, it seems like he cares about me. I was able to confirm that he's just as low and troubled as I am when we're not on good terms. He did his best to make us reconcile. So that's a good start. Right?

"Oi! Hey!" 

I hear a familiar voice, but I keep walking because he knows better than to call out to me like that.  

"Heeey!! Cutie-pie!"

I hear laughs as I keep going. Zane and his lackeys are sitting on the wall of the Lounge as he yells to catch my attention. Clearly he must have bumped his head on something, which is why he is mistaking me for one of his groupies. 

"Shannon! Shannon!"

I stop, giving him credit for at least calling my name. Once I turn to him, he gestures for me to come. But I roll my eyes and keep walking.

What a moron.

I pick up the pace as I hear him come after me. I don't run because I know it's no use he's already too close.

"Hey!" He grabs me by the wrist once he catches up to me. "Didn't you hear me call you?"


"What do you mean "So"? How can you act like this? Don't you owe me a bit of an apology?"

"Excuse me? Why do I have to apologize to you?"


Now a lot things happened yesterday, so I have no idea as to what he's talking about. 

"You're going to tell me you don't remember?" He's getting impatient.

"Dear Zane," I let out a little sigh. "This might come as quite a shock to you, but to tell the truth, you are a very very insignificant part of my life."

I feel a painful pressure on my wrist, and I remember it's still in his hand.

"Say that again," he uses a scary voice I don't recognize. 

"Le- Let go," I try to remove my hand. 

As I feel the pain increase, I suddenly remember what he may be referring to. Yesterday at the Lounge when I switched places with Kathy, asking her to satisfy Zane in my stead. Clearly he didn't take the joke well. But the last I saw of them, he seemed to be enjoying the kiss. 

"We had a deal cutie-pie," he says. "You thought you could play me?"

"No... I..."

"That wasn't very fair of you, hmm? But if you beg with your sweet voice, I'll forgive you."

"Ow," I squeal a bit out of pain.

"You don't want to?"


He ignores my cry pulling me by the wrist to close the gap between us. The mood is making me more and more nervous. 

"You're looking particularly appetizing today," he slowly licks his bottom lip in such a disgusting way it makes me nauseous. "Who did you dress up for?"

"Hey!" I hear a voice that reassures me immediately. "What do you think you're doing?"

Even without looking, I know it's him. I feel his presence. I know his voice. I turn to see him standing a few steps away from us. He's intimidating, and the plaster I put on his cheek yesterday just makes him more entrancing to me. 

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