“That’s just the start. Actually, it’s nothing. Gunshot really isn’t exciting in my movies. Oh, there, there. Don’t cry.”

“Fuck! You son of a bitch!” Ricky said between tears.

“Oh, you know what? We can call this movie Fuck. But I already made a movie with that title. Maybe I’ll just call it Taxi.”

“Taxi?” Lucas asked.

“Because their car is yellow,” Julian said. He really had a shitty sense of humor.

“Yeah,” Lucas agreed, laughing. “And you look like a taxi cab driver.”

“Can you just shut the fuck up, you piece of shit? Now, sorry for the interruption, ladies and gentlemen, my sincerest apologies for the long wait. We will now start the show. Lucas, where’s my case?”

Lucas handed him a briefcase and opened it. I started to feel sick when I saw the contents. I was beginning to understand what this was all about. His case contained a pair of scissors, a small knife, pliers, a small hammer, a battery operated hand drill, a syringe, a razor, and an axe.

He was making a snuff film.

“What the fuck,” Ricky muttered.

“So are you gonna tell us your name now?” Julian asked. Ricky spat on Julian’s face. “Now that was rude. Lucas, give me a number between 20 and 40.”

“25,” Lucas answered. Julian started to count his tools. His finger stopped at the small knife.

“Maybe this will make you talk,” Julian quickly grabbed Ricky’s left ear and started to cut. Ricky struggled and bit Julian’s hand.

Julian called out in surprise. “Aah, aah, you bastard!” he scowled. “Lucas, shoot his knee!” in another second, another round was shot in the car. The next thing I saw was my poor Ricky holding his bleeding knee.

“Ah, shit!” my husband yelled. Julian punched his face. His nose then began bleeding.

“Now where were we?” Julian continued cutting Ricky’s ear. He was screaming, but he couldn’t fight back because he was weakened by the two gunshots. Every time Julian sliced my husband’s ear, I felt like he was slicing mine too.

After he finished, he showed the ear to the camera and bit into it. He threw the excess out the car as he chewed on the part he bit off.

“Will you tell us your name now?” Julian asked. Ricky was too weakened to respond. “Wait. Don’t pass out on me. Here, have some of this.” Julian brought out the syringe from the case. It was filled with adrenaline. Julian injected it into my husband.

I felt sorry for him. I felt sorry for us.

I also felt anger, terror, and confusion. I wanted to help Ricky. I wanted to fight. But I couldn’t do anything. If only I had listened to Ricky. We would have still been fighting about the guy from the party.

No. He would have forgiven me and I’d have forgiven him and we would have embraced and said how much we loved each other. And we would have gone home and made love.

But no. We were stuck here with two psychos.

I stared at Julian. He brought out the axe. “About your finger,” he said. He took Ricky’s hand and placed it on the dashboard. He then chopped off Ricky’s middle finger. “Just in case it’s a bad finger.”

The two devils sickly laughed. Ricky laughed along with them. That’s what I love about him. He could be crazy any time.

“I have another one, bitch,” Ricky said as he threw Julian a fuck you sign with his other hand. Julian was furious and used the pliers to remove the nail on his remaining middle finger. Even after his nail was removed, Ricky kept his fuck you sign on Julian.

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