- Chapter One -

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"She was a wounded girl. Maybe loving you and Hazel was just too much." Bradley offered

"She was fine this morning! She's better. She's not wounded. Don't even talk about her!" I said as I got in his face, but Kylie quickly pulled me away from him

"Chill out, bud. We'll find her." he sat me down and put his arm on my back for support

"We have to, Kylie. I need her." I said as I let myself finally start to deal with the emotions I had been experiencing all day

Brooklyn's POV,

Two hours after we had started our journey we finally pulled into the driveway of Madelyn's new house.

Since our time as neighbors our small houses, she had gotten married and moved to Riverside, where she had a new home that was beautiful and four times the size of her house in Los Angeles.

Most exciting, for Hazel at least, was that Madelyn was a now a new mom.

"Aunt Madelyn! I'm here!" Hazel yelled as soon as Derek opened the door for us

"Hazel, shh." I laughed

"The baby might be sleeping."

"Oh, sorry." She laughed quietly as she ran into the house

"Hi pretty girl!" Madelyn smiled at her as she ran to look at the tiny baby in her arms

"Come here, come meet baby Mason."

Madelyn was so good with Hazel as she sat her down and laid her precious newborn son in her arms.

Hazel was completely overtaken by the cuteness as she stared at the little boy.

"So, how is Jay? How are things with him?" Madelyn asked, continuing to sit next to Hazel just in case she needed her

"He's fine." I sighed, eyeing Hazel

I didn't want her to repeat anything, but she was so distracted with the baby she didn't even look like she was paying attention to us

"You still love him?" She grinned

"Is it that obvious?" I sighed louder this time

I didn't want to be the girl hopelessly in love, but I was still in love with the fantasy of the little family I had once had.

"He never gave you a chance to explain, Brook. I think he needs to hear you out. After all this time, you'd think he'd be able to see that?"

"I just don't want to upset him. I don't want him to do anything drastic." I hinted, and Madelyn knew what I meant -

I didn't want Justin to take Hazel away from me.

I knew I wasn't really anything to Hazel, If he didn't want me to see her. It wasn't like I could take him to court like a normal mother. I had to play the game on his terms.

I remembered how long it had taken for me to get just two days a week with Hazel.

I didn't want to undo any of that.

• • 2 Years Ago • •

"Justin, can I please see Hazel?" I begged, tears running down my face as I stood in the phone booth, using the spare quarters I had found in the very bottom of my purse.

"No! Stop calling here!" He yelled into the phone.

"Please, Justin. I need to see her."

"You are not her mother! Stop calling! Don't come to my house again! I don't ever want to see you again, Brook! I don't ever want you to see Hazel again!"

let me come see Hazel the next day. For almost two months, I snuck around Justin's back to see her.

I felt bad that I was deceiving him, but I didn't care. I needed her just as much as she needed me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was Pam who finally talked Justin into letting me back into Hazel's life.

She saw how much we needed each other, and she was finally able to convey that to Justin.

Once a week I was allowed a couple of hours to spend with her.

At first, he said I couldn't take her anywhere.

After a couple of months, I finally got to take her to get ice cream and to the zoo.

After a year, I got to see her twice a week.

Hazel occasionally sweet-talked Justin into letting her spend the night, but most of the time that was something Justin didn't waiver on and I knew why; he didn't trust me.

After four years, we had made a little progress but Justin was still reluctant to even look me in the eye.

I knew I had hurt him, but I didn't know how to fix our relationship without possibly hurting my chances of having a relationship with Hazel.

Recovery - Justin Bieber FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang