Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

AN: Yo, I'm going to be updating every 10ish days now! And you should totes buy some of my dragons on Flight Rising ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I am JokulFrosti7769

"Aerrow?" Stork asked turning to the sky knight who was sitting at their planning table. The red head looked up at him raising an eyebrow. "You might want to come and look at this."

"What is it Stork?" Aerrow asked getting up and walking over to his friend. The merb pointed out the window to the deck of the Condor. "Oh. I'll go check on that." He said jogging over to the door.

The red head quickly and quietly made his way down to the deck of the Condor. The sun was just starting to set, but the other Storm Hawks had decided to go to bed early. Aerrow quietly crept up behind the person napping on their deck. As he got closer the person sat up and looked around. He pulled his dagger out of the sling on his back, but didn't activate it yet.

The person rolled onto his feet and turned towards him. Aerrow activated his blade. "Don't move." He said pointing the glowing dagger towards the man. "Who are you?" He demanded.

The sky Knight looked the man up and down. The first thing he noticed was his height; the man was a head or two taller than him and was almost Junko's height. The next thing was his eyes, they were a bright violet, nothing like he'd seen on a human before.

"I'm Matthew." He said keeping his hands in Aerrow's view. "I'm not going to hurt you, so would you mind putting that away." Matthew gestured to the glowing sword.

The red head put away his weapon and crossed his arms. The blond didn't look like he was going to make any sudden moves. "How did you get here?" He asked.

"I don't know. Where is here exactly?" Matthew asked looking around.

"You don't know where you are and how you got here?" Aerrow asked slowly. The blond nodded. "What terra are you from?"

"Terra?" Matthew asked confusion plastered on his face.

Now Aerrow was confused. 'How does this guy not know what a terra is?' He thought.

"Do you have a map?" Matthew asked. The sky knight nodded and motioned for the other to follow him.

-❄"Why fight when you can negotiate."❄-

AN: Switching to Matthew's 3rd person pov.

Canada nodded and started to follow the teen. His foot hit something and he looked down. It was his backpack, the Canadian bent down and grabbed it. He slung it over his shoulder and continued to follow the kid.

"You never told me your name." Canada said once he had caught up.

"Oh, sorry." The red head said scratching the back of his neck. "My name is Aerrow."

Canada kept following Aerrow as they entered the building. He wasn't sure how to describe the place, but it looked like a mix between a hanger and an auto repair shop. There were four what looked like heavily armoured motorcycles and a dune buggy looking thing.

The Canadian was confused. He had just woken up in an unfamiliar place with people he had never met before. He felt for his land, but it seemed so far away. Matthew didn't bother panicking, he was just going to roll with it and see what would happen.

Aerrow led him into a big open room with floor to ceiling windows all along one wall. The room had a large circular table with a few chairs around it. On the edge of the room were a few bookshelves and crates.

"You brought him up here?" A green person demanded stepping away from them. He had green skin and hair as well as pointy ears and three toes. He clearly wasn't human. "What if he has the swamp creepers? We could catch it, it's highly contagious you know!"

"Matthew, this is Stork our helmsman." Aerrow said with a small laugh. "He's a little bit paranoid about... everything."

"A little bit paranoid?" Stork demanded. "I'm more than 'a little bit' paranoid."

"Anyway, here's a map." The red head said pulling a scroll out of one of the crates on the edge of the room. He laid it out on the table. The nation looked over the map. It was mostly blank space with a few scattered islands.

Matthew put his backpack on the table and pulled out his map. He flipped it over to the world map. "I don't recognize any of this." He said.

"Is this a map of where you're from?" Aerrow asked looking it over. The blond nodded. "I've never seen this terra before."

"What terra?" Matthew turned to see a girl had just walked into the room. She had amber eyes and dark blue hair. She walked over and looked at the maps not fazed by the new comer. "I'm Piper by the way. It's nice to meet you." She extended a hand and Canada shook it.

"I'm Matthew." The blond said.

"I haven't seen this terra before either." Piper said quickly comparing the two maps. "Where did you get this?"

"From a store? It's a normal map." Canada said raising an eyebrow. The door opened again and a small blue rodent thing that looked like a cross between a rabbit and a lemur ran in and climbed up onto Aerrow's shoulder.

"Oh that's Radarr." Aerrow said as it climbed up his back to sit on his shoulder.

"Maybe you have amnesia? Do you remember who you are and where you're from?" Stork suggested from where he was standing.

"I am Matthew Williams from Canada. I remember everything just fine." The Canadian said.

"Canada? I haven't heard of that terra before. Is it one of the lost Atmosian terras?" Piper asked excitedly. Matthew shook his head.

"So you're not from here, you don't recognize anything on the map and judging by your confusion earlier you have no idea what happened and how you got here." Aerrow said repeating the known information.

"Maybe you're a Cyclonian spy sent to kill us." Stork laughed. "I doubt it though, you don't have any weapons."

"Maybe you're from another dimension?" Aerrow suggested off hand.

"Aerrow, that's not possible!" Piper said rolling her eyes with a sight.

"Oh no, it's possible." Stork said. "Ever heard of the dawnrunners? Those suckers can travel between dimensions."

"Dawnrunners? Come on Stork, those are just kid's stories." A blond haired teen walked into the room. He yawned and stretched before walking over to where Aerrow, Piper and Matthew were standing. "Who's this dude?"

"This is Finn." Piper said gesturing to the teen. "Finn this is Matthew."

"Sup dude." Finn greeted with a smile. "You're from another dimension? That's pretty cool."

"We haven't proved that for sure yet, Finn." Piper said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I honestly think it's a possibility." Canada said. The Storm Hawks turned to him. "I have never heard of this place before and everything is a lot different than what I'm used to."

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