Chapter 10: Secret Exposed

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"That doesn't matter! Even in my raven form, Alexandru is always expecting me! I'm not going to stop seeing him just because of the slight chance that his father would know about me! I'm going to see him and you're not going to stop me!" I snap. There is no way in hell I'm going to stop being Alexandru's friend. . .

"Watch me, I'll make sure you stay locked up in your room even if I have to keep you chained to me!" Damian threatens.

He's bluffing, I automatically thought because I don't see how Damian would be successful in preventing me from sneaking out. He could barely even keep me inside my own room earlier this evening!

"I will chain you to me if it means you won't go to them." Damian repeats with determination in his tone of voice.

"Why are you so bloody against me visiting them?! I've been in their house for a month and that bloody king hasn't even noticed me!" I shout, unable to comprehend why it's so difficult to see my side.

"Because of that risk! He could notice you any day now! Why would you want to risk your life and your parents' life over some spoiled brat?!" Damian snaps.

As soon as Damian made that insult, my patience for him disappeared. I felt extremely defensive and angry at Damian for saying that to my friend who he doesn't know as well as I do. A low growl arises at the back of my throat while my left eye starts to sharpen my surroundings, mainly in Damian's direction, which also irritates my eye. Oddly enough, from my left eye, it seems like the world was tinted red.

"Don't you dare say another word against him! You don't know anything about his life or what he's gone through!" I snarl.

"And I don't give a damn about him! I'm more concerned about you and the possibility that you could be discovered! Why take that risk?!" Damian counters.

"Because I'm in love with him!" I scream, not taking anymore of his questions.

"You're what?" Damian questions. Did I just said I'm in love with Alexandru Negrescu?

"I. . . I'm. . . I'm in love with him. . ." I confess as my fury quickly deflates and the red tint evaporates from my left eye. How odd. . .

"You're in love with him? How in hell's name are you in love with a damn vampire?! And not just any vampire, the future Vampire King!" Damian flares furiously.

"I learned more of his miserable life and I slowly fell for him. . . That and I felt angry when I saw him kissing his twin brother." I state, growling at the second part. "He plans to make his brother fall in love with him so that he could break his spirit but I'm afraid that he will fall in love with his brother."

"What does it matter?! It's none of your concern if he's interested in his brother!" Damian rants in frustration. "Garrick, please listen to me and stop visiting the parasites or I will tell your parents everything that you're keeping from them! And I mean everything! Including the guardian angel!"

My heart nearly stops from his threat at the same time my body tenses in fear. Damian is not joking around this time. His eyes didn't hold his usual mischievous glint they always have nor did his lips form a smirk. Rather, his lips were set in a thin line as though he were containing as much of his anger inside. Defeat hits me instantaneously once I notice all of his typical features were missing. I bowed my head and clenched my hands into fists.

"Very well then. . . I won't visit him anymore. . ." I grumble.

"Thank you. Now come along, we were out for too long. No doubt Violet will be seething if we don't return quickly." Damian announces and leads me back to my house.

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