Chapter 10: The Dark Side Of The Moon

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what are you trying to accomplish here, Fullbuster, acting all lovely with the princess", he said trying to stay calm but I knew he was angry. I smiled.

"You aren't jealous, are you?", I asked and a blush could be seen on his face. He suddenly pushed me back the wall with great force holding me like that.

"I know that she loves you and I have to admit that it pains me to see her with an idiot like you", he said angrily, "But if you hurt her in any way, know that I will kill you with my bare hands, you understand?", he said.

I pushed him back with all my force making him crash on the opposite wall and fall on the floor. I walked towards him and he looked up.

"I'm sick of both of you, you know? You act all strong and mighty but you are only some weak assholes trying to show off ", I said and he tried to get up. I didn't let him so he hit the ground once more letting out a painful moan.

"So don't interfere with my relationship with Juvia or I will really hurt you. I can protect her better than you and I love her more than you ever will so stay out of our way", I said calming down and he just sighed and smiled. That seems to be a good sign.

I offerent him a hand. He took it and I helped him get up. He wasn't my enemy. I just needed to clear some things up with him, to make him see that Juvia is mine.

"You are quite an extraordinary guy, you know? I get why she's in love with you and all but know that I am not going to give up on her. I'll just be waiting for my chance", he said. I smiled thinking about how foolish a man can be. He doesn't even stand a chance.

"Well, let's not talk about that right now", I said ending the conversation, "let's do what we came here for already. I don't have all day ", I said in conclusion. Luke just smiled and continued to tease me about Juvia. I think we are going to be great friends.


I'm finally free so it's time to go see Juvia. It's been a while since we spent some time together. I really missed her a lot. Maybe this will be my opportunity to ask her out or something...we'll see...

"Um, do you need any help sir?", a girl that looked like a maid asked me. Well, I was kind of lost. This thing is huge. When I turned to face her I sow how beautiful she was.

"P-Please don't stare at me like that, sir. It makes me uncomfortable", she started to blush. I didn't even realise that I was staring at her! Damn it Gray, you shouldn't be looking at any other girl except Juvia right now.

"I'm really sorry!", I said turning my look the other way. She kept blushing for some reason. This is awkward. I have to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"Look. I'm really sorry for that so let's just forget about what happened,ok?", I said and she nodded, "now, could you tell me where Juvia's room is?", I asked politely.

"Princesses room?", I nodded, "Go upstairs and then straight through the hall. You will see only three rooms there and the one in the end is hers", she explained politely. I then thanked her and went where she told me to. That really was awkward. Why am I so bad in talking to girls?

When I came upstairs I went towards her door and knocked. Not long after a sweet 'come in' could be heard from within the room.

I came in closing the door behind me. She looked happy when she sow me but still, the sadness in her heart could not be hidden. I wanted to know what was it that was making her sad.

I went towards her and sat beside her on her bed. She, then, hugged me tightly without saying anything. I hugged her back.

"What's wrong, Juvia?", I asked feeling concerned about her. She hugged me tighter and started explaining.

"I...I never asked for all of this. Everything was just thrown on me and I have to deal with it", she continued, "Why couldn't I just be a normal girl? Why am I the Luna?", she said and after a while she broke the hug. She turned her look away from me so I couldn't see the tears on her face. I didn't know what to say but I knew that I had to say something to make her feel better.

"I know It's hard but you can do it. You have the opportunity to make the world a better place, to end this fight between the sides", I said, "you have the power to do so", I concluded. Only after I said it I realized how big of a responsibility that is. She stood up and walked towards the window.

"I have the power to do so, you say. Well I don't want it!", she said madly, "This power took away everyone I loved from family...I hate it! I hate being the Luna! I hate that I have to do this!", she said looking at the sky. It started raining again.

"I just want to be normal, for a change. I want to be a mother...have my own kids and a lovely husband. I want to live this life and I want my kids to live their life as well..." she said, now turning her look at me. I was stunned and speechless. She thought that much about her life...but she thought it the wrong way.

"Look, Juvia. If we stop this now no one will have to suffer ever again and you will be able to live a happy life", I said, "It will be dangerous, I know. But you have us, Fairy Tail. You have me."
I stood up and hugged her again. She hugged me back brushing away her tears.

"I...I don't want you to go, Gray", she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"What are you saying, Juvia?", I asked.

"I don't want to lose you too", she answered. I just smiled. I was happy that I ment so much to her but I had to make her understand one more thing.

"You know I can't do that", I said, "I am your Guardian after all and I will never let anyone hurt you anymore, you got that?", I said and she smiled. God, how I love that smile.

She pulled herself back breaking our hug and a big blush could be seen on her cheeks. She looked adorable. She then, suddenly came closer to me. We were just inches apart and my heart started beating even faster. What was she trying to do?

"I...", she paused a little bit, like she was afraid to continue. But in the end she seemed like she found the courage.

"I love you", she said and kissed me before I could even realize what just happened.

Yeah, I'm back! Sorry for not updating guys but I'm just so occupied that I barely have time to breathe. Thank you for reading my story and thank you for not giving up on it. I hope I will be able to update sooner and I hope you liked it till now.
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