"No," He shook his head and grinned. "You can't."


"No. Not unless it's with me." He held me against him as his hips rocked against my body.

Lost for words.

I didn't understand him. He was pushing me away but now he's trying to pull me back in?

"Anyone but you," My eyebrows twitched as I said that. "I'd rather dance with anyone but-" A little, quiet yelp left my lips as he pulled me directly against him, to the point that I could feel everything.

It felt good too.

Oh no, bad!

"Enough, Cora. I'm going to fix that attitude of yours," His eyes were dark as he intensely stared down at me, tilting his head back. "I'm done with that smart mouth of yours. Sick of it." Then use it. No! Where did that naughty thought come from?

"How do you think I feel?" I aggressively whispered, leaning my head forward.

He lowered his. "I don't care. How fucking dare you come to a party and dance with another man?"

"Why do you care?" I gritted. He didn't say anything. "Pfft, figured," Again, he didn't say anything. Still frustrated at his words, I added, "I will dance with any guy if I want to."

"If you do, you won't like the consequences." His face hovered over mine, our eyes levelled.

I ignored whatever he meant by that and bitterly gritted, "I'm not yours!"

Our faces were mere inches apart, breaths fanning against each others skin.

"You will be."


Sitting on the couch, I shook my head while Felix slowly nodded to himself.

"Well," He paused. "I'm glad I didn't witness that sexual tension."

"Sexual tension?" I pulled a face and glared at him. "There was no tension!"

"Sure," He rolled his eyes.

Okay... maybe there was a little bit of tension, whatever! I couldn't believe it. This, the guy who practically humiliated me, pushed me away and didn't want anything to do with me, is the same person thinking he has the right to imply I will be his? Pfft! I think not, motherfucker!

When Theo said those words, I had pulled my head back in clear surprise. He liked that I was shocked by his words too, I could tell by the way the corner of his lips lifted. I wanted to ask "What the fuck you mean by that?" and follow it with a kick to the balls, but some drunken mess had fortunately bumped into us.

I didn't expect his grip to loosen on me, but the minute it did, I dodged the 'whooing' girls flinging their elbows everywhere and ran straight to the front door.

Not once looking back, I scrambled towards my car... A car that happened to have Felix lazily sprawled out in the backseat. I had rapidly knocked on the window, like a madman, startling Felix before he unlocked the door. I practically fell on top of him.

"You're that drunk?" Felix had murmured, groaning as he tried to get my lump of a body off him. Adjusting myself and sitting up, as he backed away and pressed himself against the other car door, I frantically shook my head, slamming the door behind me and staring at him with red cheeks. "Wait, what happened? I texted you by the way."

"Theo happened."

Let's just say... It was a car ride filled with me going on and on about how angry Theo makes me, Agh, that maniac buffoon...! I should've trod on his feet! Trod? NO, stomp!

Eventually, we got back to mine and now we were in my living room, my body slumped into the couch, arms crossed.

"Look..." Felix sighed awkwardly. "I warned you Theo would chase the minute he saw you display disinterest in him."

"Oh good for you, you're a fortune teller, that's just great," I threw my hands into the air, voice dripping with sarcasm. "You predict things, oh wonderful."

He deadpanned. "Yes, I'm a fortune teller that predicts the future, and let me say, your fortune is shit."

I paused and chuckled, rubbing my forehead with my palm and shaking my head, eyes closing. "Okay, that was funny."

"You're welcome."

"I don't know what to do..." I dropped my head back against the couch. The issue was that this was still all new to me and overwhelming, and emotionally and physically, I was still... as sad as it sounds, drawn to Theo... Too bad it wasn't a knife drawn to him instead.

"Look, just..." Felix shrugged a shoulder. "Sleep it off."

"Sleep it off?" I rolled my eyes. "Hell no, give me the ps4 controller."



My eyes slightly opened but everything was still foggy, between the point of half sleeping and half waking up. I could barely even process the thought of my window being open as I was too busy desperately trying to dream about pickles going to war.

It was an intense dream, okay?

The wind blowing the blinds, I snuggled into my blanket.

Was I being delusional?

My blanket was gently pulled up, covering my bare shoulder and singlet strap.

For a second it felt like I was in heaven, feeling someone gently brush my hair behind my ear with their fingertips.

Was that the smell of liquor overpowering delicious aftershave?

I think so.

A soft, feathery touch was pressed against my temple.

Then, the blinds stopped dancing in the wind and I fell back into a dreamlike state.


Felix was eating cereal in my kitchen.

"Morning." I yawned to him, opening the fridge.

"Morning? It's 1 in the afternoon."

I paused before shrugging. "Ah well." Morning, afternoon... all the same. I turned around and stared at my best friend. "Can we do something today? Anything... I need some normality in my life."

"Sure..." He thought about it for a moment, lowering his spoon. "Wanna go to the cinema and watch a movie?"

I smiled. "Yes please."

I'm going to ignore the way my body was still feeling from Theo last night, and just pretend all my stupid, teenage problems didn't exist.


Author's Notes

Rushed this one out


So... that was an interesting moment between them

 that was an interesting moment between them

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