chapter seven: Apology

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a/n: sorry about the late update.I didn't forget this story.I'll update whenever I get the chance I promise.

I've been driving for hours.I didn't want to go to the denalis but what can I do go to,aro would be to excited about was very sunny and I am happy that these are deep tinted windows.I looked through my reer view mirror and a shiny volvo came into view.I ignored it because it probably wasn't him.then it went in front of my started to rain and get dark.I saw the window open and his head poke out of it.I sighed and pulled over.I got out of the car and went into the rain and so did he.


"oh,now your nice and calmed", I said

"bella I'm sorry okay"

"for what?,please refresh my memory", I said

"for growling at you.okay,I didn't mean it you know that.I was just so mad at her that I forgot who I was talking too", he explained

"ok,but you looked directly at me"

"when are you going to realize that she looks exactly like you?", he asked

"she looks like you", I objected

"your so stubborn.where were you going to go?, Alaska?, what you rather deal with Tanya bulls it I stead of your daughter?"

"yes", I lied

"bella,I hope you know that I can read your mind since you don't have your shield up."

"why are you poking around my head?"

"because I love and I can do that"

I walked up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorrr that I over reacted"

"its fine.I don't blame you let's go home okay"

I nodded."okay"

we both got into our cars and turned around and headed back to forks.we parked our cars in the garrage and walking into the house hand In hand.we were met at the door by renesmee who look like she was almost about to go into labor.and jacob who was eating not a surprise.

"oh,you brought that thing back?", she taunted

"renesmee, be respectful we've raised you better than that", edward said

"why should I?"

"nessie,be quiet ever since you've got back all you been doing is chewing your mother out just leave her alone.", jacob said

"well,just because -"

"no,he's right cut it out", I said


"first,off Renesmee your behavior is uncalled for and its pissing me need to act right you know why.I don't know if you know this but your child can hear you from the inside.and I wouldn't want to here that shit that my mother is saying on the outside.what if he thinks that your abusive.change you fucking attitude for your kids sake", I snapped

she was quite

"say something now", I said

then she let out a piercing scream.water and blood spilled from her.carlise,rosalie,and jacob took her upstairs.

"edward go with her I'll be back", I said as I walked out the door

"where are you going?", I heard him ask as I was in the woods.


Sunsetting MoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon