chapter three: Discomfort and Complications

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2 weeks later...

"oh my fucking god!!", I groaned

"whoa,that the first time you've used that word...what's the matter", he said surprisingly

"I cont do it.I can't spend a vacation with them two here", I exclamied

"ok,let's try this again.what's the matter?", he asked

"for the pass goddame 2 weeks I have to clean up after them.I don't mind them here it just that they dont clean after them self",

"okay,why you let the cleaning crew handle that?", he asked

"one,vamire such as ourselves can clean faster then humans and two you know I'm a neat freak so I can't stand seeing things out of order for more than two hours", I groaned


"and on top of that your daughter is being very disresptful towards me and I haven't done anything for her to be like this...I'm just...ugh!!", I said

"bella calm down alright.why don't you take a walk and clear your head", he suggested

"fine", I sighed

I went downstairs and left through the back door.

1 hour later....

I walked back near the house and saw that one of boats wasn't here and edward and jacob scents were gone.I walked back into the house as I closed the door I heard footsteps behind me.

"look who decided to come back", renesmee taunted

great. "please leave me alone I'm not in the mood", I sighed trying to keep my own temper down

I walked passed her and headed to the room I was staying in.

"oh,why should I?, I heard what you said to dad about us", she growled

"okay,renesmee...please go away do something that doesn't involve me in it....why don't you think about your future or why'd you got married", I said with annoyance

"well I know why you got married"

"why then?", I asked

"so you can get knocked up you fucking slut", she spat

I stood there speechless.It felt like all the words were true but they weren't but it even more because it came from my own daughter who I've protected and cared for since I found out I was pregnant with her.

"Get out", I said coldly

"glad too", she said then turned and left

I slammed the door when she was out and it made a loud bang.I grabbed my suitcase and packed all of my clothes in vampire speed.I then got a pen and a piece of paper and started to write edward a letter regarding my absence.

Dear Edward,

if your wondering were I am.I'm on my way back to forks.I couldn't take it any longer I've been pushed to a limit and the limit has been crossed....I love you and I'll see you in forks


when I finished it I folded and wrote Edward on it so he knows what it is.I went downstairs not bothering to say anything to her and I got into the speed boat.I started and and drove back to Rio.after a full hour I was at the airport getting ready to board the plane.then someone grabbed my arm.I turned around and saw that it was edward and his eyes were dark instead of gold.

"bella stop this", he said in a low voice

"edward,I don't want to go back there because I might lose my temper and do some serious damage", I said

"but,our vacation isn't over", he said

"its over for me"

"why?, help me to understand the conflict more", he begged

"this whole idea was supposed to be about you and me.Bit no I had to open my big mouth and ask them to come with us.I wanted to please you and I know you wanted to do the same with me.when I got back to the house what she said....just...please let me go back to forks", I said

he stared at me and sighed.he closed his eyes and when he opened him they were gold.he gave me a light smile and tight hug.

"come on then", he said


"don't worry about it", he assured

we got onto the plane and sat down and made the journey back to forks

a/n: thanks for reading and this chapter will be edited soon.

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