(Niall's P.O.V.)

I kissed her...She kissed me back, we were in the middle of the beach, in the ocean, at sunset, at 4am, Kissing. And it was amazing... We pulled away, She was about to speak when she fell, she fell back straight into the water, "Krissy!?"I said she sank into the water, Dived after her I grabbed onto her and brought us back to shore, I layed her on te sand she was unconsious, I sisn't know what to do! I gave her CPR, good thing Liam made us take those classes! "Krissy come on!"I said hoping she'd wake up, her head moved, She was alive! "C'mon Krissy say something!"I said giving her space, She slowly opened her eyes then her eyes went wide "NIALL!!!"She screamed happily jumping up and tackling me."I've missed you so much, I remember I remember! I love you so much! What happend?! Nevermind I don't care! I REMEMBER! NIALL! I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO SO HAPPY! NIALL JAMES HORAN I LOVE YOU!"She said then kissed me, I was so shocked and unbelievably happy! She remembered! My love is back! I Kissed her back, we kissed for a long time, we pulled away. A huge smile was on her face, and I'm sure there was a bigger one on mine! We stared at each other it was like we were the only two on earth. "Wait! The others!"Krissy said after awhile, she jumped up "Come on My Love! Get up!"She said grabbing my hand and helping me up, "Come on!"She said grabbing my hand and we began running soaking wet, back to the hotel, She was back <3...


We got back in about 20minutes I had to carry Krissy about when we were almost there, but I didn't mind I loved it, I missed her so much... We got into the elevator Krissy was shaking "Cold?"I asked her wrapping ne arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders she laughed "I'd offer you my jacket, but it's soaking wet too"I said laughing. We walked back into the hotel room, "GUESS WHAT!"We shouted, we expected to walk in on excited people but instead we walked in on a bunch of angry people "Where were you two?! IT'S FREAKING THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! IT-IT'S ALMOST 6AM! "Seline and Liam Shouted at us... I Nudged Krissy, she winked at me.. "Sorry?"We said in unison. Then we burst out laughing. "This is not funny! You didn't have your phones we couldn't get ahold of you!"Zayn said "You could have gotten raped!"Ashley said Now everyone was yelling at us! "Why are you wet?"Louis shouted."You could have gotten my little sister killed!"Harry said then krissy shut them up."You two are in so much trouble"Liam said hands on his hips, Ut ohh daddy direction is mad! Krissy looked guilty then she smiled, Looks like she's got a plan in that pretty little head of hers, "Well Liam when you took Seline out to dinner a couple weeks ago, you know to Brio? And you bought her that dress? That night you 2 didn't come home untill like 2am!"Krissy said smiling Louis, Harry, Ashley and Zayn caught on, their mouths were either wide open or smiling big, then everyone except Liam and Seline who were still scolding us caught on "Ans we are much more mature than you and thats 2am not 6am! And...Wait! you remembered that..how did you...YOUR MEMORY!"Liam and Seline screamed finally realizing what just happened. "KRISSY!!!"They shouted, everyone got into a big group hug, "Psst Niall"I heard Krissy whisper to me."Yeah?"I whispered back, "You think we won't get in trouble?"She asked smiling I shook my head No, she smiled then i'm guess Liam heard us because right as we pulled away and started walking to our room he stoped us "Where do you two think your going?" liam asked hands on his hips again.."Shower?"Krissy said smiling innocently "Fine. But right after you two bed, and in the morning were talking about this"Seline said Liam backing her up. "Yes Mom!"Krissy said smiling I couldn't help but laugh, we both showered and got dressed for bed. I layed in the bed, I was starving! Running home sure makes you hungry! Once Krissy finished getting dressed she sat down next to me."I'm....So....Hungry.."She said then layed down on my chest. "Me too! But we can't leave this room Liam and Seline.."I said pointing to the door, "Don't worry, I got a plan"Krissy said then Kissed me she got out her phone and texted someone, soon Louis and Harry ran into our room "How Did You Know??"Louis asked looking shocked. "I have my ways....."She said smiling "You Monster!"Harry said."Know what"I asked her She said she'd tell me later, she had Lou and Hazza bring us popcorn and hot chocolate, "Is that it?"Harry whined after giving us our food, "Yeah...for now!"Krissy said waving them off "Text us when you need us!"Harry said leaving."Yeah! AND NO SEX!"Louis shouted shutting the door, we burst into laughter."So what did they do?"I asked her "They broke Selines Favorite Necklace that she thinks she lost" Krissy said "Ohhh, how'd you find that out??"I asked her, "I guessed!" She said laughing, "Your Good!"I said laughing with her, we ended up getting all the blankets and pillows we could and making a huge fort. We had to crawl to get around! "Nialllll!!!"Krissy sang, I went over to her we had a little fort place infront of the Television so we could watch TV."What Movie?"She said I shrugged we looked through the movies, "Ohh! Lets watch a scary movie! How about...Orphan!!!"I said buying the movie,Krissy looke scared like really scared. "I'm not really a big scary movie person...."She said covering her eyes."Scardy Cat"I teased her "I am not!......Okay, I am! We can watch but I'm going to be holding onto you screaming the whole time!"She said, covering her eyes again."Promise?"I said buying the movie, she hugged me and giggled.I held onto her tight as we watched the movie, Whenever there was a really scary part she'd hide her face in my chest."Is it over?"She asked peeking at me "Yeah"I said she looked up, it wasn't! "Ahh! I Hate you!"She said covering her face again I laughed "Sorry haha I had to!"I said, she playfully hit me, we finished the movie and decided to watch another, "Look Grease is on!"Krissy said "Love that movie!"I said. We went watched that one, We finished the popcorn and drinks, krissy snuggled closer to me, "Niall there are somethings that I don't know if there real or just dreams, You know if there real or fake.."Krissy said."Like what? Ask me"I said rubbing her back as she layed on my chest. "Okay, I met you on a plane, You spilled gummy bears on me"She asked "True"I said I ran my fingers through her hair, "You and I went to the London Eye and..."She asked not finishing, "Not Real"I said, she looked disappointed, "Okay, We All went boating for Ashley's B-day? "She asked. "Real"I said, she asked acouple other questions..."So, Do I tell you everything?"She asked me"Well Sort of, I mean you don't really like showing everyone when your sad, but I can tell.."I said, she nodded...It was good to have her back. Soon we both Fell asleep.

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