1. -•-• --- -•• •

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"It's not fair," cried Lance.

"I know, I know," Hunk rocked the boy in his arms after Lance cried again about Keith, it had been a long two weeks since Lance found out Keith had color now.

"He was supposed to be mine," his heart grew darker as freckles appeared, he fiddled with Hunk's fingers and smushed them and moved them.

"Lance..." Hunk sighed, "maybe you should work on getting over him."

"How do I do that?" Lance sniffled.

"You could try becoming friends with him again?" Hunk suggested, "it'd make you understand him more I suppose, so you could get over him."

"How do I become friends with him again?" Lance cried more feeling hopeless.

"Well, you still have his number, don't you?" He questioned and Lance nodded, "just text him."

"I wouldn't know what to say," Lance worried.

"Just ask how he's been... just say that you miss him... maybe be honest and tell him about the letters. That he doesn't have thousands of secret admirers but only one persistent one."

"That's weird Hunk," Lance whined.

"I could text him for you," Hunk suggested, "I still have his number too and I could ask him to go to lunch with us on Saturday."

"What if he says no Hunk?" Lance continued to worry and worry.

"Then he says no," Hunk shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Okay then text him," Lance rolled his eyes because he was sure Keith would reject.

Hunk typed away on his phone and they both waited.

"You know who we can text next?" Lance had a playful look on his face, quickly changing moods.

"Who?" Hunk asked annoyed because he already knew who Lance was going to say.

"Shaaaaay," he stated in a sing song voice.

Hunk had met Shay online and Hunk really wanted her to be his soulmate but they lived a while away from each other so he didn't want Shay to spend money on something she wasn't even sure about, so Hunk rolled his eyes. "We text each other almost everyday, clearly this isn't the problem here."

Lance changed moods quickly again and pouted, "whatever."

Then Hunk got a strange text back which looked somewhat like this.

"•-- •• •-•• •-••   -•-• --- -- •"

Then another shortly after.

"Sorry about the last text"
"But I can't Lotor disapproves of your behavior so I must too"

Hunk confused, showed Lance, " this is weird right."

But Lance cried seeing the text. "I told you, he hates me now."

Hunk sighed and tried his best to comfort his friend, Lance stayed the night even though it happened to be a school night. The next week was painful.

Especially Thursday when he happen to run into both Keith and Lotor. Lotor made fun of Lance and Keith just stood there tapping on his book.

Lotor had approached Lance, "hey freckles!"

Keith tapped, 'tap, tap, tap, tap' on his text book.

"FRECKLES!" Lotor called after Lance tried to ignore.

Keith tapped, 'tap' on his text book.

Lotor grabbed Lance's arm, "freckles respond to me when I call for you."

Keith tapped, 'tap, thunk, tap, tap" on his textbook.

"Okay," Lance mumbled.

Lotor shoved him into a Locker.

Keith tapped, 'tap, thunk, thunk, tap' on his textbook.

"This is for talking to Keith," Lotor proceeded to punch Lance.

Keith stopped tapping and gasped then tapped loud on his textbook, 'tap, tap, tap' pause 'thunk, thunk, thunk' pause 'tap, thunk, tap' pause 'tap, thunk, tap' pause 'thunk, tap, thunk, thunk." And then it all stopped again.

Lance stayed quiet and glared and Keith as he was beaten. "Don't you think that's enough?" He'd said in a hushed tone to Lotor.

He angrily lashed out and looked at Keith, "if you defend this boy, I'll do the same to you and double the amount to freckles."

Keith shut up after that and stood in quiet. Lotor stopped and grabbed Keith's arm and yanked him away from Lance, Keith tried to look back but was yanked away.

Lance's eyes went wide and he became furious. Keith was in trouble.

He ran down the hallways as fast as his beaten up body could and found Hunk. "Hunk! Hunk!"

"Lance!" Hunk gasped, "you need to go to the nurses office."

"No you need to-"

Lance was caught by Hunk ushering him towards the nurse.

"What happened?" Hunk questioned.

"Lotor," Lance said quickly, "but Keith was there too and guess what?" Hunk was confused because Lance seemed excited.

"What?" Hunk looked even more concerned.

"He was tapping!" Lance managed to get only those three words out.

Hunk ushered even faster for him to get to the office, "Lance that makes no sense."

"I'll explain later but I need to see that text the sent you again." Lance said as they entered the nurse's office. He was patched up and had to explain that Lotor beat him up but told the nurse nothing about Keith being there. Hunk drove Lance home that day, "so what's with the tapping."

"He was tapping in rhythm," Lance said waiting for Hunk to understand but he didn't and Lance again asked for the text Keith sent him.

So Hunk did even if it was hesitant. Lance turned on his phone then and got out a wad of paper and looked between each phone, back and forth until he looked up at Hunk, "he'll be there!"

"Be where?" Hunk asked quizzically.

"The lunch, he'll be there I know it Hunk! God Keith's brilliant! Oh god! This means he's in big trouble though," Lance pause, "Keith doesn't hate me though." He breathed out.

A/N: eyo Im a nerd so each klance book I have had a weird nerdy side plot! Morse code is the choice for this one... and let's be honest there's going to be other nerdy shit too that I sneak in.

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