Chapter 10

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He read.. " dear Donald trump, it is I Hillary Clinton threatening you and your family. Give me 10 million dollars and a good hand shake tomorrow at noon or I have something to threaten you with." Donald flashed back... he remembered the sticky note on his computer screen saying noon and the letter... everyone gasped. Hillary stormed over to the lawyer and grabbed a pen. She tried and fell directly on that f the old historian. She feel of warm ness ran down her hand she had the pen in. She looked down... the pen was in the old mans heart. His face was staring back at her with blank eyes and he's mouth open a tiny bit. He was breathing uneven then nothing he died. Hilary's arm was covered in blood. With all of the confusion Hillary got up and ran but Donald followed her. She ran into his office and Slammed the door. Donald jogged down the hallway and pushed the door open and locked it behind him. Hillary didn't hear him. He came really close and pressed his lips against hers. They started kissing. A couple minutes later Donald said "stay here I'm just going to tell everyone you are in the left wing." "Okay thanks I'll be here, let's continue later." Hillary said. Donald opened the door and left leaving behind Hillary and the bloody couch. Donald ran back into the conference room and told the one law enforcer that Hillary was in the office. They ran together down the hall only to see...

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