Chapter 4

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Continuation of chapter 3..
Hillary as tired and upset as she was at that moment, all she could do is kneel to the ground sobbing. Her heart hurt, it hurt a lot. All she could think about is why? Why did he do this to me? A long minute of sobbing Hillary got up but then fell back down to the hard, cold pavement. She got up again and her shaky, sore legs held her up. Teary eyed and seeing nothing but the dark night, she tripped and this time landed in a bush causing some disturbance. When Hillary opened her eyes there was a bright light shining in her face. "OMG god!!" Hillary said in a shaky voice "get up and out you're drunk" Hillary blinked. It was a guard holding a flashlight in her face. The guard held out his hand for Hillary to grab, and she did. When she got up she dusted off the bright snow off her coat that was barley visible. "Get into your car and leave. Leave with a warning" the guard said in a low, stricken voice . Hillary ran to her car and stumbling a few times. "Do you need a ride?" Asked the guard. Hilary didn't stop, look back or reply she just stumbled her way to her car, holding back the little tears she had left. Once she reached the car she slammed the door, turned on the car and slammed her forehead against the horn. "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" Hilary jumped up in surprise at the loud noise she just made. She looked over to see Melania only wraped in a towel. She started crying again, as she looked over her blurry vision makes out the guard again but he started walking through the snow to her car. Hillary stepped on the gas as hard as she could and sped away, she looked back in her rear view mirror only to see Donald and Melania kissing again...

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