Chapter 9

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A day later,
Hillary pulled up in her car dressed as nice as she could. She had new shoes on, fresh makeup and a positive attitude. She smiled at the guards as she flashed them her VIP card. She pushed open the door and walk in push one I side. Donald was standing at the end of the front entrances hallway. "Hello Hillary, what a lovely surprise!" Donald said sarcastically. " I'm sure it is, I'm always a pleasure." Hillary laughed with royalty. "Well would you like to come and sit down in my office?" Donald joked. "No call everyone in the conference room I have something to show everyone." Hillary said with a huge grin on her face. They walked into the office and Donald made a phone call to a historian then to a couple of law enforcements and also to some layers. He said the same words to everyone "come quickly, it's gonna be good" and like that they showed up. Hillary was standing at the front of the long table in the conference room. She held the fake letter she was grinning as a everyone poured into the room. Filling the room yet there was a seat for everyone Hillary began talking "hello". Looking down at Donald she opened up the letter and cleared her throat. She looked down the table and said, "in this hand I hold a letter. A letter that could change the whole USA. So, if you don't want anyone to see this little guy" Hillary shook the paper "you better fire trump now" she continued " Surely he did the wrong thing by contacting all of you guys to see his failure.." " show us the letter already" an impatient law enforcer said. "This letter is from the Russian president addressed to Donald Alberta trump. It's a trick. Behind everyone's back  they were sending letters." "Just like you and the email thing." A lawyer said. Hillary continued, " the Russian president put fake votes in the polls and messed up everything! We need to have a new election" " let me see that paper" a historian wearing rubber gloves reached over Donald's head and grabbed the paper. Holding it up to the light scanning it for some halo gram he sat back down. He looked over the paper with the lawyer beside him. The lawyer slid on his glasses and stood up with the paper in his hand. He read...

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