Chapter 8

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Flash back to 5 minuets before Hillary wrote the note,
Donald was sitting on his chair when he heard Hillary yelling at the guards. Quickly he wrote down a threat note framing Hillary. At the top of the page it said dear Donald and at the bottom it he foraged her signature. It looked perfect he ducked under neath his desk quietly with the letter. Hillary came in the office. He was under the desk quietly listening to Hillary scribing down the note. He heard her walk out and he quickly grabbed the letter off the top and exchanged it with a different letter. Hillary came back to grab the letter, she grabbed the wrong letter, and then left his office and shut the door with a click. That was Donald's cue to stand up. He stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust and mumbled "I have never been treated like that before." Before he flicked on the light he looked out the big, curved outward window behind him desk. He watched Hillary drive away with the wrong letter and he smirked.

So wrong Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon