"What was that?" Harry asked a bit miffed. Zayn and Liam shrugged not knowing the answer to that.

"Hey you guys." Niall said as he came walking up to the three boys. "Hey Niall...what's with the face." Zayn asked giving the blonde a peck on the cheek. Niall started to fidget it with his thumbs, "I think there's something wrong with Louis." he said softly. Harry turned to give Liam a look, "Yah like what." he asked.

"Well I noticed that he kept rubbing his arm in class today and I asked him if cut." Niall explained simply. Liam's eyes bugged out, "Nialler that's not a question you just come out and ask." he said shaking his head.

"Well I mean he looked so distraught and the look on his face..." Niall trailed off. Zayn wrapped an arm around the blondes shoulder. "Well did you ask him what was wrong?"

Niall nodded his head, "Of course I asked him about Casey and he got all tense...I told him that I...that we were worried about him." Niall explained, "And he told me not worry about him but I can't help but be...you know?" Niall said.

The four boys all stood there thinking, "How about we take him out or something?" Zayn suggested.

"Like clubbing?" Niall questioned. Zayne nodded his head, "Yah I mean Louis has been looking kind of stressed lately."

"But what if Case-"Casey won't have a bloody say in anything." Harry hissed interrupting Liam's sentence.

"Alright then it's settled this weekend yeah?" Niall said already getting excited.

"Yah this weekend." Harry said.

It was finally time for the last class of the day and Louis was very thankful for that. Music class was his favorite, for one all the boys have that class with him, he loves to sing, and he and Harry are probably going to finish there song today. Casey wouldn't be around in this wing of the school because it was the performing arts part. However when he was walking down the stairs to class he was slammed up against the wall. Louis didn't even get a chance to say anything because Casey was to busy prying his mouth open with his tongue.

Louis tried to push Casey away but the other boy was holding his arms above his head. "Makes me happy when you actually listen Tommo." Casey whispered in my ear. Louis just looked at him, trying so hard not to just spit in the boys face.

"I don't want you to hurt him." Louis muttered. He heard Casey sigh before he backed up his hands raking through his hair.

"Why do you care about that idiot anyway." he asked. Louis narrowed his eyes, he didn't like people talking about Harry like that.

"He's not an idiot for one and two he's my best friend so I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about him like that." Louis said quickly. Casey laughed before looking at Louis with a smirk on his face, "There's that attitude again Tommo." he drawled.

Once again Louis felt that spark of rebellion inside of him. He pushed himself off the wall and started to head towards the other half of the steps. "We should...break up Casey." he said quietly. Everything was quiet for a minute and then Louis was up against the railing, Casey's hand around his throat.

"Now what would posses you to say that?" Casey growled in his face. Louis couldn't breath at all the other boy was cutting of all circulation to his lungs right now. He weakly took hold of the hand that was holding him down, trying to push it off.

"Don't you understand that I love you." he said with a crooked smile. "Let me hear you say it Louis." Casey hissed.

Louis opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't get a word out. "Let me hear you say it!" Casey yelled. The hand around his throat loosened, "I...Lo-v-e y...you." Louis stuttered. Casey grunted before completely letting Louis go, the poor boy slid down onto the step. Taking in little breaths, his eyes started to water from the strain.

"And don't forget it." Casey said before leaving the stair well. The bell rung telling Louis that he was late for class but at the moment he didn't really care. This had to stop he couldn't be around Casey like this anymore, he just couldn't take it. Standing up on shaky legs he carefully walked down the rest of the steps and out the door.

When he made to the classroom he took a breath and fixed his clothes before plastering a smile on his face. Opening the door he could already hear Niall's guitar in there corner, and Harry singing a part from the song that they have been working on. Liam turned at caught Louis' eyes and he instantly knew that something was wrong despite the smile on Louis' face.

"Hey Louis we just started." Niall excitedly said as he waved the boy over to the circle of chairs. Louis slowly walked over and took a seat next to Harry who turned to give him a one armed hug. "What took you so long we had to start without you." the curly haired boy asked. Louis ran a hand through his windswept hair, wary smile on his face.

"Uh had to go back to my locker...forgot the three pages of the song." Louis said sheepishly. Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy knowing full well that that wasn't the case. Louis always had his lyrics sheets, usually coming across some parts for song at any time, so he keep them in his messenger bag at all times.

Louis saw the look on Harry's face and he gave him a 'please let it go' face because he wasn't in the mood to recall his near death experience with Casey in the stairwell. Harry gave him smile before turning back to the group of boys.

"So which song are we working on." Louis asked as he pulled out the lyric sheets.

"My personal favorite." Niall chirped.

"Ah Little Things then." Louis said with a smile as he put on his glasses. "Which part are we working on." he asked.

Liam knew from the minute that Louis walked into the room that something was wrong. If it wasn't the fake smile that he plastered over his face than it had to be the look of fear lingering in his blue eyes. He seriously needed to talk to Louis about his little situation, he knew that he told Harry that Louis was going to take care of it. But what if he couldn't, like Harry said, Louis is very strong-hearted person but he was very insecure about things and sometimes painfully shy. Liam watched him walk over and take a seat next to Harry who instantly wrapped an arm around the other.

He couldn't help the little smile that appeared on his face from watching them. Louis was so in love with Harry that it was almost sick. He's trying so hard to hide but it was so painfully obvious from when Harry touches him. And Harry was no better either, the both of them was so smitten with each other. However Casey just had to get in between them and fuck everything up.

"Liam you ready?" Louis asked him and he realized that he wasn't paying attention at all. "Uh what?" he blinked.

"I finally finished your part." Louis explained.

"Oh right...right." Liam answered as he took the paper from Louis. "Alright Zayn start it off." Harry said as he motioned for Niall to start playing.

Your hand fits in mine...

Bruised.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon