Chapter Eight

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Harry saw the look of complete horror on his face as he answered his phone. He instantly turned to him a bit worried because when Liam get's that look on his face you know something serious just happened. Harry tensed at the first thing Liam said...

"Lou I can't understand you want happened?" Liam stated calmly. The atmosphere in the car quickly changed the tension was so thick you could cut it.

"Where are you Louis?" Liam asked. Harry was getting anxious, "Liam whats going on...what's wrong with Louis." Harry cried as he grabbed for the phone. Liam tried to stop him but Harry was to quick

"Lou..what's happened...are you okay?" Harry asked frantically. By now people were honking behind us to go since the light turned green, but this was a more bigger situation.



"Get your ass back over here you think you can just leave me...I'll fucking ki—Harry looked at the phone in disbelief...Louis hung up.

"He hung up." Harry whispered as he looked at Liam, "Liam he hung up!" he cried. Liam didn't even say anything as he whipped the car around in a full u-turn, he fucking knew that something was going to happened. He should've stayed...he should've took Louis back home with him and Harry.

Hmmm some time before all that

Louis was patiently sitting on the couch waiting for Casey to get ready. He wasn't really sure where they were going but he didn't want the other boy to be angry. It wasn't all that surprising when Casey told Louis that he was taking him out, because usually they would do something 'fun' before Casey left. Although Louis was hungry and looking forward to go anywhere that had food, he really didn't feel like walking around. His head was still pounding and his throat felt pretty sure, and to make matters worse it was raining outside.

"Tommo have you seen my green shirt?" yelled from upstairs. Louis laughed a bit before yelling that it's probably somewhere on the floor in there room. It got really quiet all of sudden like one of those creepy scary movie kind of silent. Louis stood up silently and cautiously made his way to the stairs, "Uh Casey...did you find it?" Louis asked as he walked into the room.

Louis looked around the room and didn't see Casey anywhere. Then something caught his eyes that made his whole body freeze up in fear. There strewn across the floor was the bags that he had so carefully packed and stashed away under the bed. Louis slowly took a step back, scared out of his wits now because if Casey found the bags...then where the hell is he?

"So you were going to leave me after all?" Casey said as he stepped out the bathroom. Louis could feel the anger just roll of Casey in waves of rage. He was angry...beyond angry right now and Louis regretted not taking Liam offer. Casey slowly walked over to the bags that were lying on the floor and picked one up. He looked at Louis before throwing the bag at the window, the sheer force of it broke it completely. Louis jumped, he didn't expect that at all; he watched Casey throw his bags out the now broken window. He turned to Louis his face set into a deep scowl, "You are not leaving me Tommo." he stated.

He took one step towards Louis and the blue-eyed boy flew out the room. He made it as far as the end of the steps before he was slammed into the wall. A hand was around his throat and Louis couldn't help but have this feel of deja vu. He struggled in Casey's grip, it was much stronger than it was he really trying to kill me Louis thought to himself.

"I love you Louis why can't you see that?" Casey asked as he pressed his nose into Louis' neck, the other boys hands now trailing down Louis' lithe body. Louis flinched at every touch, he didn't like this...he didn't like this at all.

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