Chapter Fifteen

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Louis was so stunned that he dropped his phone on the floor. He took a minute before picking the phone up and answering it again. "W….Why are you calling me?" was the first thing he asked. There was this long pause and Louis thought for a minute that Casey hung up; unfortunately he didn't.

"Where are you?" Casey asked. Louis blanched he had the audacity to ask him that, was Casey crazy.

Getting mad Louis build up his voice to reply, "I really don't think that's any of your business Casey." He said icily.

Heard Casey laugh, "Seriously Louis stop fucking around and tell me where you are so I can bring you home." He said.

Now it was Louis turn to laugh, "Are you serious, you honestly think I'm going to go back to you after what you did to me?" Louis stated.

Casey sighed into the phone, "Come on, stop blowing that situation out of proportion it wasn't that big of deal." He said carelessly.

"Out of proportion!" Louis yelled into the phone as he stood up in shock. "Are you out of your fucking mind, you tried to choke me you fucking bastard!" he cried.

"Louis listen—"No you listen!" Louis yelled angrily. "If you ever think about calling my phone again I won't hesitate to call the cops on you." He finished as he ended the call. Louis didn't notice that Harry walked out the bathroom, his curls all wet a towel wrapped around his waist. Louis turned around his eyes already tearing up from the conversation he had with Casey. He watched as Harry walked towards him, worry flooding those green eyes.

"Lou…who was that on the phone?" Harry asked as he brushed the tears away from Louis' eyes. Louis refused to speak, he wasn't sure his voice could even handle it. He felt Harry arms around his waist, pulling Louis in close.

"Louis?" Harry questioned again.

Louis started to shake his head as he buried his nose into the boy's neck, "Ca….Can you just hold me?" Louis asked tersely. Harry didn't question Louis' request and brought the boy closer, peppering his neck with little kisses. After a couple of minutes Louis sniffled and wiped his eyes, "You okay now?" Harry asked. Louis nodded his head.

"Wanna tell me who was on the phone and why you started crying?" he asked softly. Louis took a deep breath before catching Harry's eyes as he played with the end of the blankets. "…Casey…uh called." He said quietly.

Louis saw a flash of rage fly across Harry's face, "Why the fuck was he calling you?" he yelled. Louis flinched his gaze falling to the floor between their feet, "H….He wanted to know where I was." He answered quietly.

"Did you tell him?" Harry asked his voice still holding that anger tinge. Louis snapped his head up to look Harry square in the face.

"Of course not Harry….why would I even do that?" Louis asked incredulous. He watched Harry shrink back a bit.

"I'm sorry." He said. Louis shook his head, "It's fine…but he had the nerve to tell me that he wants to bring me home." Louis explained. Hearing this Harry's eyes darkened at the comment and not a second later was Louis wrapped up in Harry's scent.

"Louis you are home and if that twat even thinks about taking you I won't hesitate to kill him." He said as he kissed Louis lips. "I love you." Harry whispered. Louis hugged Harry close to his body, not wanting to ever let go.

"I love you to."

Well after Louis little breakdown Harry made sure to watch over the boy to make sure he was okay. He wanted to take Louis out the music room a couple times to just talk because he kept messing up his parts. However Louis insisted that he was alright and that he's over it, but Harry knowing the lad so long knew that he was still thinking about it.

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