Chapter Twelve

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"So what do you think?" Louis said as he stared at the boys. All four of them looked at Louis in awe, Zayn had his mouth opened as did Niall, and Liam was sitting back in his chair arms crossed with his brown eye shimmering with curiosity. Harry looked a bit upset and Louis didn't know why.

"Well shit Louis that was I don't even know." Niall said, "I sure as hell liked it." he added. Louis smiled before looking at Zayn.

"I think we should add that to one of the songs we sing at the show." He said simply.

Louis' smile got bigger as he looked to Liam, "Its bloody brilliant Lou I loved it." He praised.

"Harry?" Louis questioned.

"Well I love Lou but how come you didn't let me help you…you know we always write songs together." Harry said.

Louis frowned, "I know I was just in one of my moods I guess." He said. Harry nodded his head in understanding as he slung an arm over Louis' shoulder.

"Well I definitely think we should add it." Harry stated. Niall hopped of his seat to grab his guitar, "Alright let's get this going huh we gotta practice." He said with a bright smile.

Zayn laughed at the blonde's excitement, "Right let's do this." He said patting Niall on the head.

Louis let out a laugh before passing out the lyrics sheets around, "I've highlighted everyone's part and oh here Niall." Louis said before digging around in his messenger bag. After rummaging around for a minute he pulled out a music sheet.

"This is for you." He said as he handed the sheet Niall who put it on the stand next to the lyric sheet.

"Everyone ready?" Louis asked as he looked around the group. They all nodded their heads and Louis gave Niall the cue to start playing.

Said I'd never leave her cause—

It was finally the end of the day and everybody was at Harry's flat so they could help Liam move all his stuff. It was around six maybe that everything got packed up and into the truck. Louis huffed as he threw himself on the couch.

"My arms…" he moaned.

"I know right Liam has a lot of shit." Niall said from his place on the floor, completely faced down.

Louis laughed at the boys' nonsense, "You two are the laziest ya didn't even get the heavy stuff." Zayn said as he walked in the living room. "I beg to differ." Niall mumbled. Zayn looked at Louis, "He's on the floor because?" he asked. Louis shrugged his shoulders, Zayn got up and sat on Niall's back.

"Is there a reason why you're on the floor like that?" He asked. Niall sighed, "It's comfortable." He muttered, "And get off me you cow." He added. Louis tried to hold in his laughter at the look of annoyance on Zayn's face. Niall was going to get it now Louis thought, as he watch Zayn's fingers close in on Niall sides.

"Oh so im cow?" Zayn smirked as he tickled the blonde. Niall instantly tried to turn over but with Zayn sitting on his back he couldn't.

"Z s….stop… haha…ha stop…" Niall said in fit of giggles.

Zayn laughed, "Who's your daddy!" Zayn laughed as he continued to tickle Niall. Louis' face started to turn red from laughing so hard.

"Y…Your my da…daddy st…stop…dad…dy!" Niall cried out. Just then Liam and Harry came back inside from putting the last of the boxes in the truck and my attention switched from Niall to Harry. I felt my face turn red and it wasn't from laughing. Harry was there in white t-shirt, his curly hair was held back by a headband and he was sweating. Louis couldn't take his eyes off him, I mean he knew that it was pretty cold outside but working for three hours straight was bound to get you a little sweaty.

"What are you guys doing?" Liam asked as he wiped his forehead. Zayne finally got off Niall with a smirk, "Nothing." He said.

"Nothing my ass." Niall muttered as he plopped himself on the couch. Zayn laughed again before patting the blondes head, making Niall blush.

"Anyway you guys done." Louis asked trying not eye rape Harry as he stood there all hot.

"Yep all done….no thanks to you two." Harry said giving Louis and Niall a pointed look.

"Hey we helped." Niall shouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yah by bitching and moaning." Liam said as he shook his head. Louis huffed, "Anyway." He drawled, "I think we should go out." he said. Zayn perked up at this, "Now that sounds like a great idea." He said.

"For what?" Liam sighed, not really wanting to go anywhere with the boys, because every time they do something always happens.

"Who needs a reason to get drunk?" Niall piped. Louis nodded his head in agreement, "Exactly come on it'd be fun… I haven't been out with you guys in while soooo…" Louis trailed off. Harry looked at Louis and saw the anxious look in the boys blue eyes.

"He's got a point besides we all need to loosen up before show tomorrow anyway." Harry said, giving Louis a big smile.

"Alright fine but let me grab a shower and I'll meet ya guys back here later." Liam said as he grabbed his keys.

"Yah me to." Zayn said as he stood up with Niall by his side. Harry nodded his head, "How bout we all just meet up at the Purple Tree." Harry said. The nodded there heads before heading out the door. As soon as the door was closed Louis felt his breath get knocked out him from the weight. "Fucking thought they'd never leave." Harry said hoarsely as he captured Louis' lips into a hard kiss.

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