Chapter Six

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It was Tuesday morning when Harry woke up to Liam poking him in the cheek telling him to wake up and get ready for school. Harry really hated mornings and he really hated school, but nonetheless he got up and went to take a shower. After doing that he walked out the room to see Liam with a plate of food in his hands.

He smiled, "What would I do without you." he sighed as he sat down at the table. Liam laughed before taking a seat opposite of him. "Die probably." he joked.

Harry chuckled before digging into his food, "So what did you and Louis talk about after you so rudely interrupted me yesterday?" Harry asked.

Liam shrugged, "Nothing much just asked him about some songs." he said simply as he took the now empty plates to the sink. Harry leaned back in the chair and narrowed his eyes at Liam knowing dull well that that wasn't the case. "Liam what's going on with seriously and I know it has to do with that bloke Casey." he said.

Liam turned around with small frown on his lips, "Don't worry Louis will be fine trust me." he said as he gave a pat to Harry's shoulder. "Now come on we can't be late to class." he said as he walked out the kitchen.

Harry sighed and decided to call Louis and ask him if he was alright. He casually walked back to his room phone up to his ear as he looked for his book-bag. The moment he found it was the moment Louis answered the phone a little breathless.

"Ha...stop I'm on the pho—Hello?" Louis said.

Harry took a second to answer, "Uh hey Lou." Harry said said. Harry heard some shuffling before he heard a door slam shut. "Louis are you okay?" Harry asked a bit urgently.

"Sorry um yah I'm fine I was just walking out the apartment actually." Louis said. Harry frowned, "Do you need a ride?" he asked.

"No um Casey is taking me today." Louis answered. Harry felt a wave a jealously hit him full force, he knew that he didn't like Casey. But hearing things like this irritates the fuck out him because he knew that Casey didn't give a damn about Louis. Harry is the one who knew Louis best, what was good for him, how to care for him, how to love him. And ever since Louis started dating Casey, Harry always had a feeling that Casey was an asshole a complete and utter douche. But for some reason Louis has seen this so called 'sweet' side of the boy.

"Hellloooo!" Louis was yelling into the phone by now because Harry was definitely not paying attention.

"Um what sorry." Harry replied. He heard Louis laugh into the phone lightly. Harry could already feel the butterflies corrupt inside his stomach at the sound. "Your such a spazz Haz." Louis said lightly. Harry felt a smile form on his lips, he loved he and Louis could have an easy and nice conversation like this.

Suddenly there was some loud shouting before Louis said a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone. Harry pulled the phone away form his ear and looked at...did Louis just seriously hang up on him? Sighing he pocketed his phone slung his book-bag over his shoulder and walked out the room and into the living room.

"Ready Harry?" Liam asked with a sweet smile, keys in his hands. Harry gave a wary smile back and headed for the door, but Liam stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Harry eyed Liam from the corner of his eyes, "Nothing just I called Louis and he didn't answer is all." Harry lied.

Liam gave a firm pat on the back, "Don't worry mate we'll see him in school...I swear the two of you..."Liam sentenced trailed off as he saw the look on Harry's face. "Well come on." he said as he made his way out the door.

Casey was in a really good mood today and Louis was pretty sure why. His arse was so sore right now he couldn't even sleep last night. Casey had fucked him nice and hard on the couch and then again in there room. Louis was happy and a little upset at the fact that Casey could swoon him with sweet words all the time. He felt stupid for letting it get to him but he couldn't help it because Casey wasn't always so violent. He was happy because a happy Casey meant no fights, and no fights meant that Louis won't end up with another bruise.

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