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You're such a damn bitch,you know that? Always ruining the happy moments and making the horrible ones be permanently remembered. A photographic memory of sort. The worst to have,yet all of us can relate to.

My small box being cluttered with Polaroids of them. All spark and gloomy,tainting the good times. The once bright popped,to a brown and grayish muck. Doused in dirt of universal inequities,that no one wants to handle.

The walls slowly turning grey,of time flickering by. Life being sucked out of them,from some unprecedented bringing. The camera becoming faulty by each new threat. It slowly cracks the lens,leaving a distorted image of what is there.

Various vegetation growing out of the walls,with mold and mildew as well. The grossness that is inevitable to each mortal being. The slow decaying of ones memories and forth. What they can do and visualize,growing less by the day.

What do you wish to truly anguish at the end of it all? A unfortunate soul,or a generous fortunate one? Both,is what I bet you would pick. It truly didn't matter,since they would both be going to death anyway.

It's alright. You make us all happy at most times. Hope sent to the ones who truly need it. For you are not all that cynical as others put you up to be.

Sometimes,we all wish you were nice to us forever. Sadly,that's not how it works naturally. In order to learn from mistakes,something bad has to happen. If not,one must give advice from their past mistakes.

Life is a hard game,all play. Some have it easier then others,while a game over is at the start. Some might not make it to the end,but most will no matter what various obstacles they face.

That is how it feels to truly live.

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