3:Its not as it seems

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They say it's going to be fine,even if isn't. Face it,you're fucked. Destined to die when they cast that fake smile on their faces. The grimace underlying those muscle movements. What udder shit. The false hope of this century. People packing themselves with it. The order that never came.

Doctors. They can't seem to help the people that need it the most in time. The one occupation they worked their mid thirty year old asses off for.

They can't seem to help me,even though I needed it the most. I'm suffering from shapeshifting. A so called medical mystery,that leaves me in pain. From bone to joint.

Every full moon I have to control myself from killing anyone. Even if I do,they would say a wild animal did it. It's up to my own self morals and dignity as a human. If I can even do this to my own kind. Well at least I think I'm the same.

Each time I try to tell the doctors that I'm able to change forms,they scoff at me. They think I'm total complete bullshit. A nutcase to be exact. No one will believe me until the day I die. Not even then.

"You got to be kidding me. That can't be physically possible. You would die from the pain exerted onto your body.",They tell me to leave shortly after,with a straight faces and disappointed facial expressions.

I give up. It's pointless to tell these so called witted geniuses my problems. After all,ignorance is bliss. Once said by a great man of his time. Not from my time of course,sadly.

One day,I hope to have someone believe me for what pours out of my mouth. Even if they are not all that smart,they would at least have my word from it. For once a dear happiness I can have.

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