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***A/N: Last page and the longest chapter ever! Thanks for reading my book, people!💖💖💖 Also: a Scömíche SMUT chapter😍***

"Ugh, I can't believe we'll have to go to the court first!" Mitch complained as he packed his bags.

"It will be alright, I'm there too."

"Yes, thanks for that."

"No problem, little queen." Scott said and he pecked Mitch's lips.

"I'm so nervous. I really don't wanna see him. I'm scared that I'll have a panic attack!"

Mitch continued packing the last important things.

"Hey, just look at me while you're sitting there... I'll guide you through it."

Mitch looked at Scott, smiling at him.

"I can't imagine what I would do without you."

Scott blushed, he's still not used to getting sweet words from the love of his life.

"Thanks..." Scott whispered, his cellphone beeped.

Jeremy: On your way home?
Scott: No, we need to go to the court first ☹
Jeremy: Good luck with that.
Scott: I'll msg you when we get back. Is everything ready?
Jeremy: Yes, alright.

"Are you ready, mylady?" Scott chuckled.


"We've got this, Mitchy."


"..............And hereby we declare Trevor...........GUILTY!" The judge said as he continued with the charges and the punishment Trevor would get, but Mitch was cheering already.

"OHMYGOD!!!" Mitch squealed in happiness, he hugged Scott excitedly.

"Baby! I am so proud of you!" Scott laughed.

"I... I just..." Mitch didn't finish his sentence, instead he kissed Scott passionately and he smiled into the kiss.

"Wow..." Scott whispered.

"I love you, Scotty."

"I love you more..."



Scott helped Mitch to sit in the car, since his bruises were still a bit sore.

"Ready to go home?" Scott asked.

"I've never been more ready."

The drive to their house was short, but fun. Mitch sang along to the songs on the radio and Scott enjoyed hearing the angelic sounds coming out of Mitch's mouth.

"We're here, little queen." Scott parked his car.

"Finally, I'm home. OUR home..." Mitch smiled as he held Scott's hand.

Scott smiled back and squeezed his hand softly.

"Let me help you out."

Scott walked to the other side of the car and helped Mitch out.

"Ouch. I'm alright. Thanks. Just sore."

Scott led Mitch to the frontdoor.


"Yes, Scotty?"

"Before we go inside, I want to tell and ask you something..."

"Sure, I'm listening..." Mitch looked at Scott.

(COMPLETE)BECAUSE OF YOU (A SCÖMÍCHE STORY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt