11. Wake up!

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Scott did some groceries and drove to Kendall's house.

"Hey, Ken! Could you open the door?!"

Ken sticked his head out of the window.

"What's wrong with the doorbell?"

"It doesn't work..."

"Oh, right. Wait."

Kendall walked downstairs and opened the door for Scott. He wanted to peck Scott's lips, but Scott turned his face away.

"Oh, okay..."

"Umm, Ken. We need to talk."

"Sure, sit down."

"I'll be fine." Scott said as he leaned against the wall.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Oblivious much?" Scott sassed.

Kendall suddenly walked to Scott and started to rub his waist.

"I've always wanted to know how sex with you would be..." Kendall said and he kissed Scott, holding the back of his head.

"Ken..." Scott mumbled against his lips.

He pushed Kendall away.

"Scottybuckets... You're my boyfriend..."

"Why are you even trying to avoid it? The main reason we're dating is because you wanted to help me to get over Mitch. Wake up, Ken. It's impossible!"

"Nothing is imposible, my dear."

Scott sighed and tried to escape from Kendall leaning into him again, but he failed.

"Kendall... Please..."

"Okay, you want to break up?" Kendall asked.

"Well, duh."

Kendall looked hurt.

"Oh, I didn't mean to-"

"No, I get it. It has always been Mitchell... You have no idea what this does to me." Kendall said and his back was facing Scott now.

"I know, Kirstie told me that you've had a big crush on me since middle school."

"Then why are you doing this to me?"

"Because I don't want to live a lie, Ken. You're so special to me, but not like how you want it to be. My soul belongs to Mitch."

Kendall flinched at what Scott said.

Scott grabbed Kendall's arm and made him look into his eyes.

"Look, I shouldn't have said yes to you. I didn't know that you were serious about this. You just said you wanted to help me, not that you really love me."

"I really love you, wasn't it obvious?"

"I'm oblivious, remember?" Scott laughed.

"Really oblivious. Mitchell loves you back, you know..."

Scott's eyes started to sparkle intensely.

"See? That's what I meant." Kendall whispered.

"He loves me back? How do you know?"

Kendall sighed.

"I could sense it from the first day you've started to bump into each other again..."

"Oh, okay. So are we good now? I'm sorry for breaking up with you... I just don't want to lead you on. I care about you, but not more than that."

"I guess we need a break, a friendship break. I need some time alone. I need to figure things out. I need to heal."

"Dramatic much?" Scott joked.

"Yeah, well... I really love you."

At that moment Scott's cellphone rang.


"Hello? Scott Hoying speaking..."

"Mr. Hoying? Agent Cornwald here."

"Oh, umm... How did you get my number?"

"We're the FBI..."

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