2. The club.

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It's been a week since Mitch visited Scott to talk about the situation. Things were difficult, but as two adults they could manage to work it out.

"So, you two are alright now? I mean, does it hurt to be with him?" Kirstie asked.

"It does, but not as much as it used to be. A week ago I felt torn. Now it just hurts, but not too bad. I can look into his eyes without wanting to kiss him... That's a big step I guess..."

Kirstie laughed. "That's a big step indeed. I haven't seen him for a while."

"You didn't? I thought you did... So why don't you join us tonight?"

Kirstie checked her appointments in a little notebook on her desk.

"I have no appointments tonight, so that's a yes for me!"

"Great! We'll pick you up at 7."

"That's a deal!" Kirstie squealed.


6:30 pm.

Scott knocked on Mitch's door. No answer. Scott knocked again.

"Wait! I just finished showering. Let me get some time to... Ah, whatever!" Mitch yelled and he opened the door showing himself almost naked.

He was just wearing a towel around his waist and his hair was still wet.

Scott didn't know where to look at. He fiddled with his car keys.

"Come in, silly! You've seen more of me."


Scott entered Mitch's house.

"Nothing has changed here..." He said.

"No, I like to keep it the same as usual" Mitch replied while drying his hair.

"And you haven't finished yet as usual... So you!"

"Does that mean I haven't changed much?" Mitch asked smiling at Scott.

Scott felt his cheeks turn red.

"No, you're the same Mitch. More sassy though."


"Mitch!" Kirstie jumped into his arms.

"Hi bunny, sorry I'm late." Mitch said while he stroked Kirstie's hair out of her face. "But look at you, someone's been taking care of her body lately. You're gorgeous!"

Kirstie blushed but thanked Mitch for being so sweet.

"Where are we going to?" She asked.

"Scott mentioned a new club, my name wouldn't be Mitch if I haven't checked it out already."

Kirstie jumped up and down, she was fond of clubs.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Kirstie ran to the car. The boys followed her.


The club was downtown. Huge letters were flashing on the relatively huge building forming the name "HOOKED".

"Now here's where you can hookup with strangers..." Mitch joked as he squeezed Scott's arm.

"How funny..." Scott replied.

(COMPLETE)BECAUSE OF YOU (A SCÖMÍCHE STORY)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora