You hopped off of Scott's bike in front of the vet clinic, looking anxiously around at Kira, Ethan, Aiden and your brother. Heavy rain was falling all around you, soaking into your clothes and your hair. Scott had gotten a call from Satomi only an hour ago, begging for his help, since several different assassins were hunting her and her pack down separately.
The betas she had left were scattered all over town, and she had no hope of finding them and saving them by herself. So there you were, meeting with the strongest fighters of the pack to try and save them on what seemed like the night from hell.
The weather was like something out of the bible, and you would be surprised if Beacon Hills didn't flood that night. With that as one obstacle, you had no idea if you would even manage to save Satomi's pack in time.
"Alright," Scott announced. "Ethan and Aiden, you're with me. We know where most of them are, but I'm sending the girls to the school to try and intercept Brett and his sister."
"We're not sending them by themselves," Aiden protested, looking over at you. "Y/n's human."
"But I'm not helpless," you told him, flashing him the sharp knife you carried. "I know how to fight, Aiden."
"But they're killers-"
"No they're hunters," you told him. "At least, they used to be. Allison taught me everything she knew and now I know how hunters think. I'm probably more qualified than any of you, and I'm not on that list either."
"She's got a point," Kira said softly.
"Kira's right," Scott told Aiden. "If you're really worried, why don't we send them in two separate vehicles? That way, if something happens to the other, they still have a chance to get away."
"Where are we going to get another car?" Ethan asked.
"She could take Aiden's bike," Kira suggested. "And then I'll take my car."
You looked over at Aiden, raising your eyebrows at him. He shot a glance toward his bike, and you could tell he was reluctant. He felt the same way toward that thing that Stiles felt toward the jeep, and you knew it was his baby.
"Oh, come on," you told him. "I've driven it thousands of times. I won't scratch it I promise."
"I'm more concerned about the scratches you could get," Aiden told you. "You think they're not going to kill you cause you're not on the list? They'll kill anyone in their way, Y/n."
"Then I won't get in their way," you told him. "We'll get in and get out, and we'll save them."
Aiden sighed, and you could tell he was struggling with something in his head.
"Guys," Scott warned. "We don't have time for this."
"Fine," Aiden told you, handing you his helmet. "But not a scratch. On you or the bike."
"Got it," you told him, starting to turn away.
"Wait, Y/n," he called, grabbing your wrist and tugging you back.
"Yeah?" you asked, and suddenly he was slamming his lips onto yours, kissing you like this might be the last time he ever got to do it.
"Be careful," he whispered when you finally pulled away.
You nodded, turning your back on him and heading toward his bike.

"Lori, run!" you heard a voice yell, and you were just able to make out a shape coming towards you in the pouring rain.
You saw a girl with short hair, soaked to the bone with rain as she ran past the bus you were perched on. She looked incredibly young, even younger than Liam, and it occurred to you that she was much too young to be running for her life.
She headed towards the lacrosse field, and you were about to go after her when another shape came hurtling toward you. It was giant guy with dark hair that you recognized as Brett Talbot, and no sooner had he passed you when an arrow flew into his shoulder.
He cried out in pain, whirling around just in time to be whacked in the face by an assassin with a crossbow. Brett fell to the ground, quickly pushing himself up as the assassin stood over him. The man raised the crossbow, but before he had time to pull the trigger you were jumping off of the bus and landing on his back.
He fell the ground, but quickly through you off of him so that you landed hard on the wet pavement. You jumped up just as he did, and he swung his crossbow at you. You ducked, but his fist came crashing towards your face, and you cursed it connected with your lip.
You gritted your teeth, lunging forward and kicking the man between the legs. His knees buckled, and you took the opportunity to grab the crossbow and slam it into his head, knocking him out cold.
You stumbled back, spitting blood onto the ground as you looked at his unconscious body. You looked over at Brett, who was getting to his feet and snarling at you.
"Wait, wait, wait!" you cried, holding up your hands. "Satomi sent me!"
"You're with Scott?" he asked uneasily.
You nodded quickly. "I'm his sister. You can trust me."
Brett's eyes narrowed, looking from you to where his sister had disappeared to. "I guess I have to."

Aiden, Ethan and Scott pulled into the parking lot of the vet clinic, coming back from their second trip to get all of Satomi's pack members to the clinic. Aiden hopped out of the car, anxious to see if you had already gotten there.
There had been no word from you or Kira the first trip they had made back, and Aiden was beginning to grow worried. He knew you were a big girl and that you could take care of yourself, but you were still his girlfriend. After almost losing his life to the nogitsune two months ago, he was a lot more mindful of the people he cared about and you were definitely one of them.
He pushed open the door to the clinic, noticing Kira popping her head out of the exam room. He noticed you weren't with her, and panic instantly filled up inside him. He stormed past her and into the exam room, relief instantly coursing through his body when he saw you there, leaning against the counter.
You had been toweling off your hair, and you looked up at him, flashing him a bloody smile. You grabbed his helmet that you had set down and pushed away from the counter.
"Don't worry," you began, handing it back to him. "Not a scr-"
"Oh my god," Aiden breathed, reaching out and grabbing your chin.
You blinked, sure he would be concerned about his bike, but it clearly meant nothing to him right then. He examined your face, all thoughts of his motorcycle forgotten as he took in the blood.
"Aiden," you protested. "Jesus, I'm fine. It's just a split lip."
"Just?" Aiden repeated. "Y/n, you're-"
"Alive," you cut him off. "And with an incredibly small amount of injuries considering I jumped down from a bus."
"You jumped from a bus?!" Aiden cried.
You shrugged. "An assassin broke my fall."
Aiden shook his head in disbelief, looking you over for any more injuries. You raised your eyebrows at him, certain you looked awful with your busted lip and soaked hair, but he didn't seem to care. He leaned forward, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you closer until your lips met.
He fingers tangled in your drenched hair, and yours gripped his soggy leather jacket, holding onto him for dear life. He held you as tightly as he could, convinced that it would be in everyone's best interest if he never let you go.
You kissed until you ran out of air, or maybe you only broke apart due to Scott clearing his throat in the doorway. Kira let out an "Aw" and your brother shot her a look.
"What?" you asked breathlessly, pulling away from Aiden. "None of us died. We're celebrating."
Scott rolled his eyes and Kira gave him a sympathetic smile. "I think what he's thinking is that we should save the celebrating for when we're not being hunted down."
"And when you're behind closed doors," Scott added, crossing his arms over his chest.
You smiled. "I'll be sure to let you know if that ever happens."
Aiden suppressed a smile, wrapping an arm tightly around your shoulders. Scott rolled his eyes at you again, but you could tell he was just relieved you and everyone else were safe.
"After this is all over," Kira said with a sigh. "We have to go on a double date."
"No way!" you and Scott cried in unison.
You both looked at each other and laughed, and Aiden squeezed your hand. Maybe things had been pretty chaotic lately, but you felt like they might just for out in your favor for once. 

Lupine// TW Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें