The Dance

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Let me start by saying this: I. Can't. Stop. Smiling.

No joke, my face is on fire and my cheeks hurt from smiling XD


'Gilbert' likes me.

I shall explain now:

So today was our grade's school dance. After a bunch of silence and drama between me and Gil he started talking to me the Wednesday after last. He started reading Homestuck and watching Attack on Titan, two of my top five major obsessions. He started talking to me a lot and asking me if I still like him, to which I responded no, because after a few months or so of silence, I was sure he hated me. Though I guess my heart and brain argued and my heart won this battle and probably the war. >////<

So anyway at the dance, he hung around my friends and I, every kept and then talking to one of my best guy-friends, (let's just call him Max XD) Max, alone. Max approached me later when my gal-friends were doing something else (so was Gil) he told me the Gil was going to ask me to dance during a slow song. I blushed and asked, "What?" He clarified and asked me to at least give him a chance. I nodded walked over to my gal-friends and Gilbert.

So a slow song came on and, though people who were actually couples didn't because this was a no-dates dance (Stupid, I know.), he asked me to dance. I honestly never danced formally so he led my hands into the correct positions and taught me (First dance with a boy my age >////<). I was a blushing mess. We broke apart after the song ended and I stuttered out a thanks, looking down as my gal-friends were fan girdling in the background.

When Gil left after some more songs to get something to drink, Max smirks at me, "I told you."

My gal-friends and I got some fun and amazing pics in a photo booth they had set up.

Then later Max tells me that Gill is planning to ask me out. I nodded and blushed again, knowing that he wasn't lying this time.

So I was messing around and 'dancing' with my gal-friends and Gil was with us. One of my best friends (let's go with Kim!) Kim was trying to get the others to leave with her, as she sensed Gil was trying to do something, but the others wouldn't go with her. Every now and the Gil would go talk to Max and then come back. We had a fee moments alone, but I think he was too nervous, as he continued to go talk to Max. Eventually something happened with two of my other best friends 'Jenny' and 'Ellie' between them and Max. Max said something he didn't mean, and there was one big overreaction fest, ending in Max leaving early. My thoughts are that without his 'Wingman', Max, Gil got too nervous and left too. Either way I hope things are all fixed by Monday.

*still blushing* S-sorry if there were any spelling/grammar errors!

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