Admin Stuff

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Hey, so I just have to get this off of my chest.

I'm not perfect, none of us are. That's probably the one smart thing Miley taught me when she was Hannah. Nobody's Perfect.

Here's some facts about me:

1. I'm insecure.

I honestly think of myself as slightly chubby and hate it when my IRL friends say they're fat when most of then are at least 10 pounds less than me.

2. I cuss.

A few of my friends don't like cussing, and I try not to curse around them, unless I'm ranting about something. And then there's one of my best friends. She annoys the fuck out of me and she knows I get pissed easily. She does it for fun (you know who you are) so I break and cuss at her, she blames me and tells me not to curse.

3. All my characters are based of off little bits of me.

Danni is when I'm mad or very serious. I freak, I cuss, and I normally end up hurting someone or myself by accident.

Eli is when you first meet me, I'm shy, but around my close friends I'm a crazy person.

Sam is almost all of me. I'm shy, but open up. I hate loud noises and sounds/noises that have no rhythm, they get to me and I freak out. I get really mean when I'm around people I don't like.

4. I'm a lazy procrastinator.

Many of my school things are late or sometimes not even turned in. my chapter updates on here are slow because of that.

5. I hide things from my parents.

They don't even know what I do on Wattpad, or what I watch on YouTube, or about any of my internet friends.

6. I have fears.

Things scare me just like anyone else. Bugs creep me out. I can't look at a statue without worrying if it could possible be a weeping angel. Yet I don't have nightmares. My logic is that because I worry about these and make up impossible situations with them while awake, I don't have dreams/nightmares about them.

Random Stuff I Think Of At 1AMWhere stories live. Discover now