How I Want MY Funeral

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*shrugs* welp, lots of my friends are doing it, I might as well! O.O DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS!!!!


Funeral Song: Not Gonna Die by Skillet (OH THE IRONY!!!), The Doctor is Dying by Chameleon Circuit, or Eden by Sapph

Where It'd Be Held: a haunted graveyard :3

When: When I die motherf* ckers!!!

Who Would Be There: All of my real life friends, internet friends, and anyone else who wants to come!!! Oh yes, and I'd ask my friends (mainly @crimsonvampire, @BESTBANDGEEK @Wheatley123, @keep_this_a_secret, and @pheasanthunter) to blackmail or convince my favorite YouTubers to come!

Words Of The Guests: "She was too young!!!" "Someone call England to reincarnate her!" "Why the f*cking h*ll am I here?!"

Words On My Grave: Tell Gilbert, he's a barrel, but I love him ((:3 Had to))

This works for my real life friends, you may think you understand cuz you know PewDiePie and Hetalia, but you don't ^.^ so those of you who don't understand that, there's this!:

Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. A ninja unicorn. (Eh, they'll fit it!)

My Last Words: I left the million dollars under the- *dies* (MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

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