Suck it up bitches

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I don't ship a lot of things and it annoys me as people hate on others because of what they ship and don't ship.

I don't ship GerIta or SpaMano. if you don't like it, fucking suck it up. It pisses me off when people say 'I hate you' or stuff like 'go kill yourself' over a stupid ship. It's not even real!!!!!!!!

Suicide and death are not to be joked about. if you don't like what people do and don't ship, either keep it to yourself of make a nice comment about it. Don't be a bitch/bastard.

I'm sure a lot of you remember the 'Shipping War' that I decided to stay out of. The shippers were fighting for shipping rights, but now they're hating on those who fought alongside them. Sound familiar? If it doesn't let me help you

•America gained independence from Britain

(Shippers gained freedom of shipping from the OTP police)

•The American Civil War

(Shippers vs. Shippers)

I know the Shipping War was a huge joke, but it is very relevant to this topic.

Don't get mad at fellow shippers. Don't like their ships?

Suck it up.

Don't like what they don't ship

Suck. It. The. Fuck. Up.

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