You walked into the janitor's closet with a sigh, your arms full of stacks of paper towels. Isaac walked in behind you, noticeably itchy at the fact that he was in such a small space.
"You can stay outside if you want," you offered, setting the paper towels down. "I know you don't like small spaces."
"Nah," he told you. "I'm okay, trust me."
He wasn't exactly worried about being in the small space like you had thought, especially since he knew he could get out at the moment. His nervousness had more to do with the fact that he was going to be in there with you, only inches away from your lips that he had wanted to kiss for years.
"So, I heard you talking to Lydia about the dance," he said evenly.
"Oh," you said, looking over at him for a second. "Okay."
"And you know, I heard you say that-"
Isaac was suddenly cut off with a loud slam, and you whirled around to see that the door to the tiny room was shut. Isaac's eyes went wide, and he immediately reached forward and tried the handle. It was moving, but no matter how hard he pushed, the door wouldn't open.
"No, no, no," Isaac muttered, banging his fist on the wood.
"Is it locked from the outside?" you asked nervously. "M-maybe someone locked it by mistake..."
"No," Isaac said, frantically trying to push it open. "Someone put something up against it."
He backed away from the door, pacing a couple steps this way and that as he ran a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath, but then he began to suck in air in short gasps as he placed his hands on the door and started banging.
"Isaac," you said slowly. "You need to relax, okay? You just need to calm down. Someone is going to get us out."
But he wasn't listening to you, and he kept fiercely banging on the door, his fists slamming against the wood. You took a step back in shock, trying your best to try and calm him down.
"Isaac, just listen to me," you begged. "You have to calm down. You're not in the freezer and you're going to get out, okay?"
Isaac froze, and for a second you began to think it had worked. But then he slowly turned around, and in the darkness of the closet, you could see his eyes glowing a bright yellow. You sucked in a sharp breath, fear creeping through you as you heard Isaac's soft growl.
"Isaac," you said softly as he took a step forward. "Don't. Please, Isaac, don't."
He walked towards you, letting out a growl as he backed you up against the wall. He let out a snarl, causing you to flinch back in fear. There was nowhere to run in the tiny closet, and his hands came up and slammed into the wall on either side of you. You closed your eyes in fear as you waited for the blow, but it never came.
You opened your eyes to see Isaac staring down at you in horror, breathing heavily as he leaned over you. His eyes were now fading back to their normal blue, and he quickly scrambled away from you.
"I-I'm sorry," he breathed. "I-I didn't mean to do that. God, Y/n I'm so sorry."
He backed up against the wall, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as he could. His hands shook slightly as he leaned against the wall, too guilty to meet your eyes.
"Hey," you said softly. "I'm fine. You didn't hurt me."
"But I could have," he whispered, still avoiding your gaze. "I-I don't even know how I stopped."
You took a hesitant step forward, reaching out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Isaac, I'm fine."
He looked up at you. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," you told him. "But uh, I'm kinda curious about one thing."
"Well you were about to rip me apart," you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "What made you stop?"
Isaac paused, biting the inside of his cheek and looking away from you for a second. He had a theory, but it wasn't exactly something he wanted to blurt out in front of you. If he told you why he had stopped, that meant telling you how he felt about you, and he didn't know if he wanted to do that just yet.
On the other hand, you were about a foot away from him, and there wasn't much of a way for him to hide anything in that tiny little closet. Isaac took a deep breath, hoping that someone would be there to let you out soon in case this took a turn for the worse.
"I...I think you're my anchor," he said slowly.
"Your anchor?" you repeated.
He nodded. "Yeah, it's like-"
"I know what it is," you said softly, your heart fluttering in your chest. "But, uh, doesn't that mean that you-"
"Like you?" he finished. "Not necessarily."
"Oh," you said, a blush creeping onto your face. "Nevermi-"
"But in this case it does," he added, a small smile working its way onto his face.
"Oh," you said, but his words did nothing to make the red disappear from your face.
"So, uh, if you don't mind and you still don't have a date," Isaac continued. "Maybe I could take you to the formal. Provided we get out of here."
You smiled. "I think I would love that."
Suddenly you heard a scraping sound coming from right outside the door. Isaac let out a sigh of relief as the door creaked open, flooding the tiny space with light. Scott and Allison stepped into view, looking at you and Isaac with concern.
"Oh my god," Allison breathed. "Are you guys okay?"
You nodded. "Yeah, we're good."
"Are you sure?" Scott asked, looking from you to Isaac. "Allison texted me when you guys never came back to Harris' class. She thought something might have happened."
"Almost," Isaac admitted. "I'm pretty sure the twins locked us in there and then I freaked out and almost hurt Y/n."
At Scott and Allison's wide eyes, you quickly held up your hands. "But I'm okay! He didn't hurt me at all."
Scott sighed. "Well at least we know they're not playing around anymore. They don't just want to piss us off, they want to get someone hurt."
"We'll get them back for it," you swore. "But for now I think I'm just ready to go home."
"I'll walk you to your car," Isaac offered.
You gave him a grateful smile, nodding as he trailed after you down the hall. Allison and Scott watched as the two of you walked away, but they didn't miss the way Isaac's fingers reached out to tangle with yours. Allison smiled, flashing Scott a grin just as they heard a satisfied hmph coming from behind them.
They both turned, catching sight of Lydia leaning against a row of lockers with a proud smirk on her face. Allison blinked, looking back down the hall at you and Isaac and then back to Lydia.
"Oh my god," Allison said. "Lydia, you didn't."
"Wait, she didn't what?" Scott asked, looking between the two girls.
"What?" Lydia asked with a roll of her eyes. "They're together now. That's all that matters."
Allison crossed her arms over her chest. "And how much did it cost you for the twins to push that thing in front of the door and trap them in there?"
Lydia rolled her eyes. "Fifty bucks. But it was worth it."
"Wait, you paid them to trap Isaac and Y/n?" Scott demanded. "Lydia he could have killed her!"
Lydia waved her hand, as if this would simply be a minor hitch in the plan. "Whatever. I am a master matchmaker, and no one can tell me otherwise."
Allison sighed. "At least we can all go to the dance now."

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